Bushwhacking Medical Marijuana

  Bushwhacking Medical Marijuana

Posted by FoM on April 13, 2002 at 14:33:00 PT
Source: News-Press  

There they go again. And again. We wrote last month about how federal drug agents and prosecutors continue to assault the right of seriously ill patients to use marijuana to ease discomfort. Californians went to the ballot box to give people this legal right. So have the residents of Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Oregon, Washington and other states. The war on terrorism is supposed to be draining time and resources of federal law enforcement officials. 
Yet the Justice Department still can manage to muster up the legal fire power to try to thwart the electoral will of voters in state after state. Surely, there must be more pressing matters than to deny patients suffering from cancer, AIDS and other serious diseases this doctor- approved medical treatment. In February, though, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agents seized 600 marijuana plants from an Oakland facility that supplies patients with the medicine. Agents also raided a nonprofit cannabis buyers cooperative in San Francisco. The directors of these centers ended up under arrest. One faces a minimum 10-year prison term. He pleaded innocent in court last month. Earlier, drug agents raided sites in Los Angeles and Ventura counties. Not satisfied with going after suppliers, federal law enforcement officers now are targeting doctors who recommend marijuana for their patients. California's medical marijuana law requires patients have doctor approval. The Bush administration was in federal appeals court last week defending plans to prosecute doctors who write the prescriptions. Administration attorneys also want to remove these physicians from Medicare and Medicaid programs. The court was properly skeptical, according to media accounts of the proceedings. "Why in this world does an administration that's committed to federalism want to go to this length to put doctors in jail for doing things that are perfectly legal under state law?" asked Judge Alex Kozinski. Why indeed. Although marijuana is an illegal drug, it warrants an exemption from the federal Controlled Substances Act when used to treat sick people. The U.S. Supreme Court last year sided with the federal government in a case involving whether an Oakland club could distribute marijuana. But the court decision was decided on narrow legal grounds and did not invalidate California's medical marijuana law. It's still on the books. Instead of continuing to target these popular state laws and trying to gag doctors, the federal government should cooperate with state authorities to make certain that seriously ill patients have legal access to this medical treatment. Compassion and good sense demand it. Newshawk: AnonSource: Santa Barbara News-Press (CA)Published: April 13, 2002Copyright: 2002 Santa Barbara News-PressContact: sbnpedit newspress.comWebsites: Articles & Web Site:OCBC Vs. US Government News Raids Medical Marijuana Club Marijuana Information Links Medical Marijuana Archives

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Comment #14 posted by Dan B on April 14, 2002 at 15:41:15 PT:
Thanks, CorvallisEric and p4me
Yes, you are correct that Arizona's law is largely symbolic, but I want that state included in the count because the people did, in fact, vote to legalize it for medical purposes. Even if the wording was all wrong, they voted it in, just like Washington D.C. Question: if Washington D.C. already voted in medical marijuana, why do they have to vote it in again after the one thing blocking its implementation was Bob Barr's amendment, which has now been proven in a court of law to be unconstitutional? In fact, they will vote it in again, but that is not the point. The law was already passed. The people had spoken, and now, simply because one jerk in Congress decided to throw up an unconstitutional roadblock, the people's vote still does not count? This makes no sense in a supposedly democratic republic. The people have already spoken. The fact that elected officials who were not voted on by the people of Washington D.C. placed unconstitutional obstacles in the way of enacting that law should not stand in the way of that law's implementation now that their obstacles have been declared unconstitutional in a federal court.Does this make sense to anyone else?Dan B
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Comment #13 posted by overtoke on April 14, 2002 at 14:13:16 PT:
Delivery, Delivery!
I can't believe that the DEA is so inept that the only cannabis they can find to confiscate is the stuff marked with a sign that says "WEED."
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Comment #12 posted by p4me on April 14, 2002 at 10:08:28 PT
The Eight State Debate
I had raised the issue of nine states having so called functional marijuana laws before. I still do not know how to side on the eight state debate considering the situation in Arizona. When that Paul Lewis, the Chairman of the board of Progressive Corporation, was on Charlie Rose he said 23 states allowed for a ballot initiative process and that there would be iniatives in Florida, Ohio, and I think Michigan, although possible Wisconsin and that the Governors of these states were putting up severe opposition.Europe will have legalized cannabis by the time Congress retreats to a Schedule 2 position. And what makes them think that a Schedule 2 classification when the UK first reduces cannabis to a Class C offense and then says its legal if you let us tax you to pay for all our past mistakes. Get your cannabis growing permit for only 400 British pounds per user per household. VAAI
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Comment #11 posted by goneposthole on April 14, 2002 at 08:17:10 PT
the stakes are gargantuan
A winged goose is a dead duck.
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Comment #10 posted by Patrick on April 14, 2002 at 07:59:47 PT
In WWII it was TORA TORA TORA.Today…CONDITION YELLOWMy apologies to the readers here. I try my best to tie my ramblings to cannabis somehow and the recent terror alert challenge sponsored by dddd sent me into a slathering frenzy of laughter over the whole absurdity of Terrometerism. I lost sight of the issue of cannabis prohibition and the article at hand. I understand the military concept of DEFCON that this new HSAS TERROMETER is based upon. DEFCON makes sense because you can see the tanks and missiles and planes coming from a distance and raise your readiness as they approach. But how do you see or stop a suicide bomber in advance? I mean really? Unless the identification can be done at birth by some special detector of DNA coding or gene sequencing bio-anatomy weirdness? Oh hey, look at this one, IT has the propensity for alcoholism, and THIS one likes to masturbate while THAT one is pre-disposed to strap TNT on his/her ass and blow up a bunch of innocent people!To quote dddd… I mean,,gimme a freekin' break!..If someone claimed they could predict terror,,they would be laughed out of town,,or at the very least,,be asked how they know what the "level of terror alertness" ,should be.??..??I am still laughing dddd. It's gonna be a long laugh as it slowly sinks into the rest of this country. That's okay though I like laughing a lot. I don't need to smoke cannabis to laugh at this shit. But somehow cannabis smoking has this weird side effect that produces even more laughter? When cannabis is legal again it will be nice to see the garden so green. Hey Green is Low Risk of Terror Attack! Another good reason to show why cannabis use is not to be feared. It illustrates to the masses how these freak prohibitionists only want the control and the profit of all drugs including the power to lock up anyone that uses a herb called cannabis solely because it does not put money in their already overstuffed pockets. Exercising your GOD given control over yourself is now unpatriotic and terroristic! Smoke a joint and see if your terror beeper doesn't move toward Green. Bob Bar opens his mouth will move the meter back to Terror Condition BLUE. When the whole planet is stoned at once, we all will be on TERROR ALERT GREEN!!! Heil Ridge!9/11 and current conditions in Israel and the rest of this planet simply prove, at least to me that no one can prevent hell bent suicidal maniacs from blowing people and shit up. This terrometer bs, could only have been thought up by someone with way too much time on his or her hands. Or someone too afraid to actually get his or her hands dirty. So what is my point about the new TERROR ALERT NETWORK and its connection to cannabis? Shit I forgot!
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Comment #9 posted by Toker00 on April 14, 2002 at 07:30:14 PT
Hey, dddd,...
...what about the people who are COLOR BLIND? A lot of people are. How do you tell the difference between a pale yellow and a pale blue? I don't know. The whole thing just stinks to high heaven. They knew WAY too much about the WTC attack before hand to have even let it happen. I'll always believe they LET it happen.Peace. Realize, then Legalize.
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Comment #8 posted by Patrick on April 14, 2002 at 06:55:13 PT
Terror Update film at 11
Yeah dddd the terror indicator thingy is such a wacked out farce. Naturally, we are on condition Yellow for the foreseeable future. Condition YELLOW is in the middle of the meter! Gee duh Homer Ridge have another donut. The middle, what a perfect place to start. If things stay quiet we can move into blue and the Homeyland Security office will be praised for protecting us. Heil Ridge! My question is what actually makes the meter move in either direction? Is it some bureaucrat rolling one of those 5-sided dice that came with my Dungeons and Dragons game 20 years ago? Officially, this foolishness meter is called the Homeland Security Advisory System HSAS. Gubmint just loves to use the acronyms. It won't be long and they will devise a satellite terror indicator update network with our tax dollars. You know the type of system where you wear the indicator on your belt like a cell phone so that you can obtain instant updates on your terror condition beeper. It would provide security levels depending on your global position system coordinates. For example, if you are hiking out in Death Valley you can watch the meter change like a mood ring from CONdition Yellow to the color Green. Then when you hop a flight to Baghdad for some lamb soup with Hussein you can watch it begin to glow from Yellow To Red as you fly over some place like Israel. GPS Terror Meter Retail $1599
Free Activation 
Order yours Today!
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Comment #7 posted by dddd on April 14, 2002 at 03:39:49 PT
..thank you for looking into the color alert level question.......It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who finds it disturbingly curious!.........The whole homeland security office,,and the color coded terror alert thing,,is a sad sign of the times.......if we step back,,and look at the big picture,,and consider the absolutely awesome absurdity of this ,,it really makes ya wonder...This color code thing is HILARIOUS!!,,USELESS,,and STUPID!!,,,and it's our tax money,,and "us americans" that are supposed to be the ones who approve of it,,know about it,,and feel we need it......What a fuckin' pile of CRAP!!!,,,What's next,,some kind of financial Enronomometer rating for warning investors of a stock market dive????.........What kind of mystical kabala,Ouija,crystal ball microsoft mattell software do they use to make a color coded terror level??? Is it that new ,"Terror Traker 5.0 ", from BinLadenSoft? ,,or maybe they have madame Cleo and the psychic network on retainer.....I mean,,gimme a freekin' break!..If someone claimed they could predict terror,,they would be laughed out of town,,or at the very least,,be asked how they know what the "level of terror alertness" ,should be.??..??
..The more I think about this terror alert thing,,,and everything else connected with it,,,I start to feel like a Sheeple who is playing the part of the idiot in some old Droopy,or Daffy Duck cartoon,,,,you know,,,the totally stupid Baby Huey type character,,who says;,,"Hey,,,,Wait a minute.? dont got a terror meter!???...You're just tryin to fool me??".....??dddd
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Comment #6 posted by CorvallisEric on April 13, 2002 at 19:25:12 PT
Arizona again, grrrrrrrrrr
Dan, you're 110% literally correct that 9 states voted. Arizona voted again in 1998 in 2 separate initiatives to reaffirm the 2 parts of Prop 200 which had been annulled by the legislature, and a 3rd initiative to make it harder for the legislature to overturn citizen initiatives, and defeated a phony state initiative that would have clobbered the initiative process. 4 votes, count em, all our way. Also, local officials in Yuma claimed a loophole in the no-prison-for-nonviolent law (because their detention is called "jail" instead of "prison"). That's all I can clearly remember, I'm sure there's lots more. Can you say "Republican Retirees"?
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Comment #5 posted by CorvallisEric on April 13, 2002 at 18:46:41 PT
Dan B.: Arizona medical law?
Yes, this subject is often confused by reporters. There is no excuse for omitting any of the 9 except Arizona. I've seen each of the other 8 omitted, but more often Arizona.
According to MPP:
Effective laws. The only laws that currently provide meaningful protection for patients are ones that remove state-level criminal penalties for cultivation, possession, and use of medical marijuana. Eight states -- Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington -- have effective laws of this nature, all of which were enacted since 1996.
Of note, Arizona voters passed a medical marijuana initiative at the same time [Arizona 200 in 1996, same time as Calif 215], but it turned out to be only symbolic because it used the word "prescribe" rather than "recommend."
I think Arizona has been troublesome, in part, because of the unusually high level of opposition by state politicians.
Marijuana Policy Project state medical law report
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Comment #4 posted by goneposthole on April 13, 2002 at 18:09:51 PT
Hell no, kill every cannabis user
At there is a poll that asks if marijuana use were punishable by death would they keep using or quit. A full 41% say that they will increase their usage. Ain't that something. The other choices were quit altogether, use less or use the same. Use more had the highest response rate. Just goes to prove that marijuana users are hooked. How's that for a conclusion?If the sick and dying request to use marijuana, kill them forthright. No crime, no arrest, no trial, no prison, just kill them dead for just requesting to use medical marijuana to alleviate the pain. Put them out of their misery. Anybody caught near a marijuana or even a hemp plant, shoot them promptly. Was it the Govenor of Colorado that had a pot plant growing in his back yard? He wasn't culpaple, but he was near one, so kill him. Just like Darryl Gates said, let's do it. Insane How many cannabis users on the planet? 100 million? Killing them all would be a just a blip on the timeline. An estimated 75 million people died during the bubonic plague, and that was just a blip, a slight dip, in comparison to the the total population. In 2000 BC, China had a population of 300 million. The earth can carry and sustain us all, but that doesn't matter, globally thinking. The Pol Pot regime managed to exterminate 1.7 million people in the 1970's, not too long ago.Let's get real and sensible about all this stuff. Now is the time to ask: What would Jesus Do? For Christ sake, what would Jesus do? I don't know. Although, he might say, "What is not a crime cannot be a crime." That might get him crucified here.
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Comment #3 posted by mayan on April 13, 2002 at 15:42:11 PT
Clubya Knew...
Check out the Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll at the end of this article. Thank God for the internet!!!Rep.McKinney Draws Fire For Bush Remarks:
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Comment #2 posted by Dan B on April 13, 2002 at 15:41:34 PT:
Side Note: 9, not 8
Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Nevada, Oregon, Washington--I count nine states there, don't you? Why is it that almost every article I have seen recently has left out either Maine or Arizona? There are nine--count 'em, nine--states that have recently voted in favor of some form of legal medical marijuana, not eight.Thought I'd clear that up.Dan B
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Comment #1 posted by Patrick on April 13, 2002 at 15:03:17 PT

California is now on Darker Yellow Alert...
from the federal terrorist organization the DEA.This article points out like so many other articles these days that…Surely, there must be more pressing matters than to deny patients suffering from cancer, AIDS and other serious diseases this doctor- approved medical treatment.Yes there are! Building more prisons, financing new high-tech detection toys, developing new urine and hair follicle testing tools, imprisoning ¾ of a million cannabis smokers to justify the need for the first three items. It doesn't matter what we vote for anymore. The election is either rigged or some court will declare the popular vote unconstitutional or the federal government will send their jack booted goon squads in to trample states rights anyway. Californians recently voted to have their vote count! What a laugh. I am still having a hard time swallowing the irony in that one.

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