Marijuana Chemical Eases Tourette's Symptoms

Marijuana Chemical Eases Tourette's Symptoms
Posted by FoM on April 02, 2002 at 18:45:56 PT
By Hannah Cleaver
Source: Reuters Health
Chemicals found in cannabis can significantly reduce the symptoms of Tourette's syndrome, study findings suggest. Tourette's syndrome is a neurological condition characterized by uncontrollable facial grimaces, tics, and involuntary grunts, snorts and shouts.Dr. Kirsten Mueller-Vahl of the Hanover Medical College in Germany led a team that investigated the effects of chemicals called cannabinols in 12 adult Tourette's patients. 
In the study, each patient was given a single oral dose of d9-THC--the most psychoactive chemical in cannabis--calculated based on their body weight, sex, age and prior use of marijuana, or a dose of inactive placebo. Symptoms were measured after the first treatment, and compared to symptoms after the same patient was switched to the other pill. Neither the patient nor the investigator knew whether they were given a placebo or the active treatment first.A single dose of the cannabinol produced a significant reduction in symptoms for several hours compared to placebo, the researchers report in the April issue of Pharmacopsychiatry."The effects were clear," Mueller-Vahl told Reuters Health. "What was also interesting was that some patients experienced far greater effects than others. Some had a great effect, some only (a small effect), and a few none at all. But generally, the level of tic activity was reduced as were the compulsions, such as to shout, spit or swear."Mueller-Vahl's team has also recently finished a 6-week long study with 24 patients.Although the results are not yet published, the researcher said, "The second study supported what we had gathered from the initial one. Those taking the THC had significantly less tic behaviour."Around 50,000 people in Germany alone have Tourette's syndrome, a complex neurological-psychiatric condition. Its cause remains unknown.Current treatments are generally limited in effectiveness and often have considerable side effects. Mueller-Vahl said she wanted to see further research conducted on the potential medical uses of cannabis-based drugs."Marijuana and hashish from cannabis plants have been used as a medicine for centuries in various cultures," she said."In modern cultures, cannabis--because of its abusive use as a recreational drug and not least because of the long-unknown combination of chemicals--has until now barely played a role. There are around 80 different active chemicals in the cannabis plant," she noted."There is anecdotal evidence to suggest that the consumption of marijuana clearly and continuously benefits Tourette patients," Mueller-Vahl pointed out. "There is also a strong suggestion that the plant cannabis is more effective than synthetic THC, and that patients taking the mixture experience fewer unpleasant side effects."She said the results opened up other potential areas of research. "The results prompt the question of how far the central cannabinoid receptor system of the brain plays a part in the origins of the condition," Mueller-Vahl noted. "The study should encourage further research into the effects of cannabis as well as some of the individual substances it contains, with other diseases too."Source: Pharmacopsychiatry 2002;33:57-61. Source: Reuters Health (Berlin)Author: Hannah CleaverPublished: April 2, 2002Copyright 2002 Reuters HealthMedical Marijuana Information Links Medical Marijuana Archives
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Comment #25 posted by FoM on October 23, 2005 at 13:32:34 PT
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Comment #24 posted by cjwc on October 23, 2005 at 13:08:34 PT:
tourettes - ocd and thc
I have been a long term tourettes sufferer. it caused very mild facial ticks but one huge one was my speech twitch. I would stutter like a skipping cd and unable to stop.After being on medications such as Zoloft and celexa and such it all went away.. Then when I was 19 I started with anxiety when I was doing way too many drugs so I quit drugs completely to stop the anxiety. My stutter came back a little bit but I developed a rage problem. I thought maybe I ruined my brain with drugs.Eventually I developed an odd form of OCD. I would obsess about killing... not about wanting to kill people but for example if I saw a knife near someone I would obsess "what if she cuts herself.... what if someone cuts her with it... then, OMG what if I snapped and did it to her" That last bit would scare me so of course I would obsess over it until I had to get away from the person and surroundings to recoup. That eventually drove me insane and I went on medications. Risperidol and Trileptol. My rage was under wraps but I felt "ill" and "disturbed" all the time. I eventually stopped taking the medications as my rage and one major environmental stress was finally dealt with... the birth of my son. You see. in panicking about the arrival I drove myself into OCD hell. Once he arrived and things calmed down the killing thoughts and such pretty much vanished but for one thing...One part stuck ... the urge to reach out and choke people. I lost it's control once and scared myself more than the person I choked hehe. Just a light choke... anyways. back on meds, this time, just celexa.. in just one day I noticed a huge difference... but as time wore on.. the effects went away and I ran out of money due to huge bills incurred from moving (more on this in next paragraph) was unable to afford the drug and started smoking pot to relax.Eventually the relationship with the mother of my son fell apart and we split. Once I moved out and on my own the stresses of the whole event and visitation arguments drove me to "release" my mind. I started up pot again after 8 years of being clean. I only smoke a random toke here and there for the taste. I actually like the taste hehe. get a tiny buzz. continue on my day.... the OCD is GONE!!!!!!! No choke urges... no killing thoughts... no anything. I have a new gf now and she lives with me and even though things are a bit tough with her and I... some nasty pet peeves that drive me nuts.. caught her cheating online once etc... I had NO RAGE to speak of. Sure I was angry... but I only talked it out. I was attacked the other night by a deranged underwear clad freak in my building and normally I would have FREAKED the f*ck out and made a huge scene. instead, I have enough self control now that I just handed his ass to him, went no further and let the cops deal with him instead.I'm normal and in control.Then it struck me... was the reason my tourettes pretty much dried up in my teens because I started smoking pot around that same time and not because of medication(s)????? When I was younger.. before smoking pot... I used to trip out and freak and cause huge scenes around me when shit went fucked up. Either if I was teased, or beat up... Then once I started smoking pot I was more in control.. didn't freak out. However, any time I took a break from it, like when I was 17 and when I was early 18 for 9 months or more I got into "freak-out" mode again. Whenever I started back up again I was normal. Then I stopped for 8 years... what a hell ride of mental disorders... now I'm back on the ganja, sticking to the quality (unlaced) stuff and it's costing me less than meds would have! A gram of good quality bud costs me $10. That lasts me a week.The thing that amazes me about this all is that I can actually say "I'm just like any regular bob or joe......Human."
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Comment #23 posted by DdC on April 06, 2002 at 13:32:37 PT
I smoke cannabis to relieve the depressive, heart
wrenching insane side-effects of Prohibition... ¶8)JC/DC
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Comment #22 posted by dddd on April 05, 2002 at 18:49:59 PT
....I was not at all offended by your comments...I knew my theory of a spiritual connection would be contraversial. ...I do believe that our minds(?),are the place where spiritual events take place...a persons "mind",is somewhere in their brain????....dddd
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Comment #21 posted by PAUL PETERSON on April 05, 2002 at 13:25:50 PT:
I am not an expert, far from it, I am just a person with "ADD". I'm thinking that ADD (with impulsivity & attention deviations) and OCD (getting stuck on a thought), and Tourette's (with uncontrolable impulses) and muscle spasms (imbalance in some chemical stasis) and migraines (constriction in some blood vessels?) and other neurological abnormalities, including mood disorders (depression, bipolar) are all so intimately connected, as to all be potentially solved or at least treated with this unique substance (probably by the extremely well "designed" grouping of large numbers of similar or cooperative chemicals). I'm thinking that this is a well-balanced enhancer of the natural chemical balance in a healthy brain, which "hijacks" the brain's own set of chemicals, and overtakes whatever is happening throughout the brain (like any drug does), but here, it usually brings it into stasis, rather than taking it out of stasis. (Of course, not all drugs are good for all people). But where you have someone with a baseline problem, it helps a lot of the time, including for people that have a strong addiction to alcohol or hard drugs and even helps for "harm reduction" symptoms (from the Berlin Conference last fall, and per Peron's problems in Utah-he was prescribed for "alcoholism" treatment, which was first a known treatment agout a 120 years ago I think?).As for the spiritual link or problem? Since it is apparently an "entheogen" and increased a potential for positive events of thought to occur, yes, it might just be the cure for distance from god (if you encourage the proper thought processes rather than using this drug to "run from" a problem-since it does increase succestibility?).I just spoke with a researcher a few weeks ago in Iowa who stated that pot does increase blood flow to the ventral area (rear of frontal lobes) responsible for the "emotional" thought conversations, etc. Which could account for increased potential for spirituality, etc. (Also, he stated 1) it does not cause structural changes in the brain and 2) does not "hijack" or rewire the stimulus-reward center, the way that cocaine does-a big finding that debunks the "pot addict" theory. I'm thinking that for a significant portion of "head cases" (like mine) for which many, many, other pills don't work, this might just be the "broad range" pill of choice for a lot of concentrational-focus-change of focus-impulsivity-mood control disorders, and those DRUG COMPANIES JUST DO NOT LIKE THIS ONE BIT, eh?(Les Grinspoon has a whole list of people writing in to talk about their DOZEN OR SO different medicines people have tried, failed, side effects bad, etc., and POT DOES THE TRICK-just like Jeff, the 8 year old from California that hit the airwaves 3/6/02 on CBS - 48 Hrs., the same day my web site opened up-Come see me and talk.)  PAUL PETERSON
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Comment #20 posted by BGreen on April 04, 2002 at 18:44:17 PT
NOTHING I wrote was meant as a slam against you in ANY way. If you were offended, I'm sorry. I was just relating my experience with both Tourette's and religious zealotry.The comment about "least observant people" wasn't describing you, but if anybody else out there suffers from back pain, they know how easy it is for people to dismiss their pain as imagined.I enjoy reading your posts, dddd, and respect you and your opinions.
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Comment #19 posted by BGreen on April 04, 2002 at 17:30:38 PT
Tourette's patients aren't "Demon Possessed"
any more than any person with a mental disorder.It's not my desire to admonish dddd, but I feel a need to defend yet another misunderstood and ostracized group from undue criticism.There's nothing worse than having a disorder that isn't immediately obvious and explainable to even the least observant people. If not, you are always going to be subject to doubters and nay-sayers.I'm a born again Christian, but I think it's totally disrespectful, even if done unintentionally, to even begin to accuse any legitimately diagnosed tourrette's patient as having a "spiritual" problem.The manifestations of this affliction are embarrassing and awful, but it only exacerbates the stigma to even suggest that it might have demonic roots.Dr. Russo, do you have any words of advice from your experience?I know my nephew doesn't spew obscenities, but his manifests itself through a tick which causes his head to turn to the side, obsessive compulsive disorder, uncontrollable brief touching of the genitalia (an affliction common to most rap artists today,) and the desire to sniff his fingers. Socially offensive, but hardly evil.The symptoms usually become worse due to stress and excitement, so it seems perfectly reasonable for Roger to have shown a diminution of symptoms when he felt comfortable.
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Comment #18 posted by john wayne on April 04, 2002 at 13:24:24 PT
touretter's: the only sane people?
"pissy pissy fuck shit" sounds like a clever and healthy response to any number of social situations that I've been privy to.
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Comment #17 posted by dddd on April 04, 2002 at 11:51:23 PT
,,I'm back..,,to wrap up my long story,in a cheap ,short way;.......I continued to try and help Roger,and after a few months,,Roger was remarkably improved....He was acting almost normal,,and I'll never forget the weird experience when his mom cried as she thanked me for helping him,,and I was lionized by the bible study people...I was given ayatollah status...I could have easily done a Jim Jones Manson Moonie Krishna trip of evil that would make a catholic homo-pedophile priest blush!....I pity da fool who dont know God!(,,then,,and always ,,I credit God for all the good things that people blame me for.,,{but I dont blame God when I'm bad.}..(more on this later,if you're interested))... .
..So,,,it turns out,Rogers' mom,or someone,,starts referring these Tourettes syndrome sufferers to the bible study group,,,,,ya know,,like;"My son started taking guitar lessons from this reformed longhaired hippie freak guy at this bible study,and he's doing much better!"..I got to meet alot of people who had been diagnosed with Tourettes after that.
..There's nothing funny about having Tourettes syndrome,,but it's almost impossible to not have a cheap laugh when you consider the symptons.....some people with Tourettes just have an unavoidable twitch in their lip or eyebrow.I've known people who had more severe twitches of their face,neck and shoulders...while they're talking to you,they will do this twitching little dance,,,,,,but I knew this girl who had a more severe version of this 'syndrome'...We were at my friends house,, 5 or 6 kids,sitting around in the living room talking ,,my friends mom walks in,and asks if anyone wants a soda,,and this one girl says;"pissy pissy fuck shit"....the room went one knew what to say after that,,the girl looked confused and embarassed,,and she ran out of the room......We all thought it was some weird joke,,but it turned out that she had Tourettes syndrome...I saw her several times after that..and she would be talking,and seeming quite normal,,then all of a sudden she would loudly proclaim some obscure obscenities.....
..I think some forms of Tourettes syndrome are not physical or mental conditions,but spiritual..and I cant think of anyone who smokes Marijuana that has this syndrome.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,................ .....,dddd
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Comment #16 posted by dddd on April 04, 2002 at 07:38:13 PT
I'm glad you told about all this.....Tourettes syndrome is tragicly strange,and if anyone has ever met a person who is afflicted with this 'syndrome',,it's something that you dont soon forget!.....You inspired me to tell my Tourettes experience BGreen.
...Tourette's syndrome is astonishing!.....The article describes it well....;"Tourette's syndrome is a neurological condition characterized by
      uncontrollable facial grimaces, tics, and involuntary grunts, snorts and shouts."......."Around 50,000 people in Germany alone have Tourette's syndrome, a complex neurological-psychiatric condition. Its
      cause remains unknown.."....
...I have known alot of people who were diagnosed with Tourettes... I graduated from high school in 74...I read this book..'Mere Christianity', by C.S. Lewis.It opened my eyes to the reality of God!..I started going to these Bible study meetings,,and you can imagine,from hearing me blab and ramble here,,,how I blabbed and rambled at the bible study,,,Zealous fervor from a teenage,,anyway,,it ended up that there was this guy,,Roger...He was 16 years old,about 6 foot 8 inches tall,and over 200 lbs...He was a really quiet and withdrawn,shy person,, but you could not help but notice him because he was a GIANT..I think his parents or brother forced him to attend. .. ..I watched as each week at the Bible study as people tried to get him involved...well intentioned kindly people trying to befriend him,,,if you tried to talk to him,or ask him something,,at first,he would not answer,,and he would sort of ignore you,,staring down at the ground...about the third meeting,he started answering people,,mumbling..,,and dont forget,Roger was a GIANT.imagine if you were 16 years old,,almost 7 feet tall and realize that you would STAND OUT big time,,and you would have to face all the standard things a giant kid has to go through,,,the undeniable instant celebrity of towering above your classmates,,,being a giant kid would require certain,,unavoidable responsibilties.,,(I could go on and,,but I have to wander back to the crux of this ramble)....---anyway ,Roger was a gentle,shy person.a month or so went by,and Roger kept showing up at these meetings....I was kindof steered in his direction,and vice versa ,by my brothers in the Faith...they had been working on Roger,,and they helped him to open up slightly,,but he was still a really disturbed monster spooky teen,,and he was being barraged by Jesus Frenzied charismatic,Bible hammerin' teens,ya know,,,we would have group prayers,,and well meaning,wanna-be pastor brothers would put on these long,gushy ceremonial prayers on Rogers behalf. .. ..I dont know if you can identify with the concept of rookie preachers,,,but these guys were using Roger like some sort of holy roller-faith healer test monkey...I remember wincing when imagining the "Rogers Eye View",10 or 15 minutes of drawn out prayers for Roger at the end of each meeting...Zealous new-bie holy rollers trying to convince God to cast out whatever demons Roger had...
..^The long and the short of this story,is that I ended up befriending Roger...I offered to give him a ride to the bible study,,he lived just down the street from my girlfriend,,anyway,,,,another month went by,,and I ended up talking to his mother on the phone,,and she explained alot about Roger,,and told me that he had been diagnosed with Tourettes syndrome...She asked how much I charged for guitar lessons,(Roger played a guitar,and told his mom that I was a really good guitar player),,I ended up visiting Roger at home,,...It was a heavy experience! ..His dad was also a huge 7 foot tall giant monster guy,and his mom was about 5 feet tall,...the living room was humming with weird vibes as I shook hands with his dad,and I faced up to his moms nervously polite demeanor. .. All I could do is pretend I was normal,and that everything was normal!..(In fact,,to this day I still pretend to be normal?) I go into Rogers room,,and he start showing me some of his artwork,,pencil drawings that were astonishingly well rendered....Rogers drawings portrayed images of demons and monsters..masterworks of art,,bunches of them,,really well we got out the guitars,and I start showing him some riffs,,,and about 15 minutes goes by..Roger leaves the room,,and I'm sittin' there playin' my guitar,,and I hear a big commotion going on in the living room.I hear Roger screaming obscenities at his mom.!..I was shocked and intrigued ,,not to mention concerned to the point of walking into the front room to see what was going on.. .Roger was screaming obscenities about his mom,,a frenzy of cussing and swearing,,,,,his dad was just sittin' in the other room watchin' "All in the Family"...he acted like everything was normal...I found his mom in the kitchen,and looked into her eyes,,,she just sorta shrugged....This was Tourettes Syndrome...I couldnt believe it! ..I thought it was some kind of tantrum fake out thing to gain attention,(which it may be in some cases),,or, an actual demon related spiritual matter!...?...
..anyway,,for now,,the rest of this sloppy documentation will have to wait,because I gotta go now...dddd
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Comment #15 posted by Lehder on April 04, 2002 at 06:13:03 PT
understood, BGreeen
and only too well. I am facing many similar issues. The drug war twists and perverts society and individuals without limit and eventually presents us all with life options not so different from Sophie's Choice. Not even a goddamn buddha could find personal peace or harmony within the drug war. I hope it can be stopped, but, if not, then it will destroy itself by destroying the society that hosts it.
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Comment #14 posted by BGreen on April 04, 2002 at 05:34:16 PT
I appreciate your comments. Some on C-News may remember that I'm a musician. It's not my career I'm worried about, it's my friends. It would probably HELP my career, but I would bring undue scrutiny on them. I won't do it, not now, not in Ashcroft's home state.As far as my dad, I was afraid he would somehow be ashamed to know I was a law breaking cannabis smoker. Blame that on being a 15 year old kid. I don't want my nephew to go to prison. He told me about this tourette's story months ago, so it's been the "buzz" in the tourette's community for some time. He also can't afford the black market prices for cannabis, but if I gave him his medicine, I could be facing trafficking charges.I am a very passionate person. I'm not going to have negative health problems because of my guilt, but I watched people I love suffer. As far as welcoming me to the war on drugs, I'm 40 years old. You're a few years late.
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Comment #13 posted by Lehder on April 04, 2002 at 05:05:06 PT
Guilt trip
I can't "come out of the closet" because of my profession, and that of my friends. We are prominent people in the community. We're the doctors, lawyers, professionals, entrepreneurs, and otherwise successful people who would lose the ability to earn a living if exposed.I have no specific solution for you, but you must resolve this personal issue before it kills you with a heart attack or a stroke. I would speculate that your social and financial positions compensate for something else that may be missing in your life and that they are not so precious or essential as you might imagine. Are your advanced skills applicable only in service to the drug war? If you can't give your own blood relatives information without personal damage to yourself then perhaps they are not worth keeping. This is how the drug war works on people at a personal level; its object is the marginalization and destruction of individuals in unlimited numbers and the thirdworldization of society as a whole. Welcome to the War on Drugs. Good Luck.
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Comment #12 posted by BGreen on April 04, 2002 at 02:05:14 PT
Overwhelming regret
In the late 70's, I watched my dad die from pancreatic cancer. He was violently ill from chemo and the dilaudid, chloral hydrate, and valium they had him on. The description of his suffering is something all too real for many of you. In between the vomiting, he would lay in bed, bent from the waist with his head between his knees. I had the medicine that would have helped him, but I couldn't bring myself to offer it to him because it was illegal. I've had a hard time dealing with my cowardice.Ten years ago my nephew was diagnosed with tourette's syndrome, and has lived in a pharmaceutical hell ever since. It's been emotionally and financially devastating to my sister. She watched her son cope with the side effects from the powerful drugs he took, always trying something new, never getting real relief, just some help in controlling the ticks. It was a balancing act, and he was a guinea pig, due to the experimental nature and lack of research. The drug might make his symptoms go away, but it might make him sleep 16 hours a day. That doesn't even take into consideration the horribly mean and hurtful way some kids treated him. Somehow, he held on and graduated from high school and like most kids his age, he's trying to figure out what he wants to do for the rest of his life.Once again, I'm overcome with guilt and regret. I've been growing the medicine that would have helped my nephew, but it's illegal, and I'm still afraid to help him because I don't want him caught up in the bull**** I've put up with for so many years due to prohibition.If it were possible, you would have been reading a tear-soaked computer screen. I'm so hurt and ashamed. I can't "come out of the closet" because of my profession, and that of my friends. We are prominent people in the community. We're the doctors, lawyers, professionals, entrepreneurs, and otherwise successful people who would lose the ability to earn a living if exposed.The only compassion the prohibitionists' possess sits in a drawer or on a shelf, printed in their copy of "Webster's" dictionary.
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Comment #11 posted by boppy on April 03, 2002 at 12:41:37 PT
all the news that fits
More headlines that will not appear on NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, CNN or MSNBC. We don't need to know about this. They know what's best for us. 
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Comment #10 posted by goneposthole on April 03, 2002 at 07:19:13 PT
The best things in life are free.
free marijuana
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Comment #9 posted by The GCW on April 03, 2002 at 05:38:47 PT
Smoking cannabis to keep down the Marinol.
God bless you.
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Comment #8 posted by The GCW on April 03, 2002 at 05:29:08 PT
The chemical in chemical imbalance?
People are considered to have a chemical imbalance with some mental illness. Drs. have thought it to be an imbalance over numerous things... Fact is, these cannabinoid receptors have been in the brain since the beginning, at least as far as we know... Isn’t it peculiar that in every case that comes out there is some sort of evidence that shows favorable results, when cannabis and the cannabinoid receptor connection is made, strengthened or etc...?!. Isn’t it in 1 Corinthians somewhere it is said all parts of the body, even the most smallest thought parts are of great importance? Didn’t Harvard’s, Grinspoon, say, in the near future, earth would consider cannabis the next wonder drug?
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Comment #7 posted by greenfox on April 03, 2002 at 05:24:50 PT
Cannabis as medicine
I don't think I need to mention again my gf has Chron's, and she DOES have a prescription for Marinol. You know what? The marinol she takes AFTER she smokes, because only AFTER she smokes do the pills stay down. And BY THE WAY, at the strongest pill being about 10mg (I say about because I swear to God that they don't have it down to an EXACT science, and I SWEAR that the pills contain varrying active amounts, but anyways,) 10mg of the ol' Delta-9 does not seem to have the same effects as, say, eating a dope cookie. I attest this to the cannibinoids OTHER than the ol' Delta-9 that are ignored, but science and the pill manufac's don't seem to care. Below is a link. I urge all to read it.
Marinol vs. Marijuana (the company's view on the matter)
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Comment #6 posted by Ethan Russo MD on April 03, 2002 at 05:05:34 PT:
Kirsten Muller-Vahl is a wonderful scientist and compassionate human being. I am proud to call her a colleague. Certainly she could investigate more mainstream remedies for her patients, but she is interested more in what really works. In the case of TS, the drugs are very difficult, and for many patients, the side effects are worse than the disease. I only hope that her work will receive the attention it deserves, and that an improvement in attitude develops on this side of the pond. 
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Comment #5 posted by kaptinemo on April 03, 2002 at 04:50:26 PT:
The mountain of evidence grows higher daily
that cannabis indeed does have medicinal purposes. Far more than alcohol ever did.If you watch old movies from the 1930's and 1940's you note a curious phrase being used amongst cast members of the film. Whenever one of them was about to drink an alcoholic beverage, they or someone around them would slyly utter "It's for medicinal purposes, only!" (Wink, wink, nudge nudge.)This is because such alcoholic beverages were 'excused' during Prohibition Stage 1 as a standby antiseptic and anesthetic. When the real purpose was quietly agreed upon that it was for pleasure.Well, the exact opposite seems to be taking place with regards to cannabis. I don't have to recount to anybody here cannabis's historical role in cultures around the world. 4D, GCW, DdC, Nuevo, and several other such worthies who grace us with their presence could teach me a thing or too about cannabis lore...because they already haveBut my point is that new medicinal uses are being found for cannabis every day. Soon the pile of data will become so huge that only a Nahas-class Lysenkoist 'scientist' could refuse to look at the preponderance of positive data about it.As anyone learns very early on, it's dangerous to stack something so high that it falls on you. Especially if it is heavy. The weight of each positive report, combined together in a single pile, would probably seriously injure someone if it fell on them.(Joyce, would you stand over here, please?...)
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Comment #4 posted by bruce42 on April 02, 2002 at 22:19:16 PT
this is pretty cool
I hope these guys get the chance to extend this study to include "plant cannabis".News like this makes a person feel good. On the other hand, it is frustrating to know that the anti's will continue to blindly enforce the schedule I lie... a repeatedly proven lie.
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Comment #3 posted by p4me on April 02, 2002 at 20:52:14 PT
good news
I will go ahead and say that what the prohibitionist have done to explore the medical uses of cannabis is one of the great horrors that one group of people have imposed on everyone else. I would comment on what these stupid politicians say about using marijuana to legalize marijuana. There are just two different camps and I am a member of both. Sure there are more that say what the government is doing is totally wrong and sure once they reach the first level of enlightenment they are liable to see the next level of enlightenment that is relegalization.This is a time sensitive statement at The Charlie Rose Show is now on. The first guest is Kissenger, and the next guest is going to talk about the drug situation. He is a rational guy so he will be talking about the legalization of MJ. He says if you can let go of that problem the rest of the problem becomes more manageable. I have it taping and urge everyone that this is a program to watch or tape and be happy that the message is out. By the way, I love Charlie Rose programs and it is not just because he is from North Carolina. He is just good at what he does.VAAI
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Comment #2 posted by goneposthole on April 02, 2002 at 19:46:55 PT
Too good to be true
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Comment #1 posted by goneposthole on April 02, 2002 at 19:45:32 PT
This is the best one ever.
This one is truly to good to be true.I can't help it, it must be done.Those frothing-at-the-mouth prohibitionists are all suffering from Tourette's syndrome and are in dire need of cannabis to relieve their symptoms.
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