Adventures in the Emerald Triangle!

Adventures in the Emerald Triangle!
Posted by FoM on April 29, 1999 at 05:54:38 PT
A Letter from Dr. Ganj, A Determined Grower!
Source: Marijuana News
The forty acres I owned in Sonoma County California were absolutely perfect for growing amazing marijuana. It was eight miles from the coast, up twelve hundred feet, and bordered thousands of acres of timberland. I was at the zenith of my cannabis career. Having grown for more than twenty years, incurring only two arrests, and one conviction(served 90 days), I felt I was too experienced to get caught again.
I had a hybrid indica strain that smelled like grape bubblegum. Another I called Passionfruit-mango, which was truly incredible. With these strains, and using lava-based soil brought in from Santa Rosa, I was prepared for a magnificent victory.This was my only job. To grow the finest marijuana known to man. I learned working for other people is a waste of time. I could now set my own hours, and do what I love to do. Nothing in this world is more rewarding than hiking through a beautiful forest and seeing fully mature marijuana plants that you have tended since early spring. The redolent smell from the ripe buds is an olfactory sensory overload. To squeeze huge buds in the moonlight, is one of the most satisfying experiences ever. To harvest them, is ineffable glory.Little did I know, all my work that year would be futile. My envious neighbors had told the sheriffs about my horticultural prowess. They had told the cops I was growing hundreds of plants, and I was armed with a 9mm laser-sited Glock.That was true, but it’s all a matter of perception. They saw it as a threat. I saw it as my right to protect myself. Nevertheless, the sheriffs knew I was growing, and they were moving in to get me.I was using a Suzuki quad ATV to get to the remote areas where the plants were. The terrain was extremely rugged, and the only tracks out there were mine. On July 6, that changed. At one of my gardens, I noticed fresh boot prints next to the plants. My first thought was a rotten thief had discovered my remote treasure. I got back on the quad, and followed the tracks. The hair on the back of my neck tingled. I was ready for a fight, or worse. At the same time, there was a small plane circling the area. It was flying low, and deliberately flying over my property, and up the canyon to where I was. I drove the quad under the trees, thinking it might be the cops. That seemed unlikely because it was only early July. They usually didn’t show up until the first week of August. That was my first of many mistakes I made that terrible day. It would only get worse.The plane stopped circling the area, and left. I was determined to follow the boot prints, and learn more. Still on the quad were several five gallon water containers, fertilizer, rat traps, and peanut butter(for the rat traps). What was I thinking? I had just seen fresh boot prints next to my plants, and a low flying airplane circling my property! What I should have done, was remove ALL that incriminating crap off my quad, and went home! Instead, I followed the boot prints down the steep logging cut to where it became a wider dirt road. There were no tire marks, so I assumed (you know the saying) it wasn’t the cops. I drove my quad up the remote logging road, following the boot prints. After about a half a mile, there was a sharp left curve, and as I made the turn, about thirty feet away, was a sheriff’s Chevy Blazer! I had less than two seconds to decide what to do.A. Drive up and say; "Hello, beautiful day, isn’t it?" Or B. Haul ass! I chose B, and the chase was on! I was in all-wheel drive, going downhill, so I thought I’d win. After the first curve, I should have thrown my gun into the forest(another costly error). It was in my back pocket, and I was more concerned with the Blazer filled with cops bearing down on me. Reaching back for my gun would slow me down, since the throttle is activated by the right thumb. I was sending up giant clouds of dust, as I hit the erosion-control mounds of dirt made by the logging company. To my astonishment, the cops were right behind me with their siren wailing! My water jugs were flying off as I drove into the dirt mounds. At the speed we were going, considering I had no helmet or gloves, if I were to crash, it would have been very gruesome. The next moment, the Blazer started to ram me, trying to make me crash! He slammed into me several times, and I desperately tried to keep control. I waved to him to stop, thinking he was trying to kill me! He didn’t stop. He kept ramming me until his tow-hook gored my rear tire. That’s when I lost control and flew off the quad, skidding on the dirt road. I quickly remembered the gun, and tossed it into the bushes. I was immediately jumped on by three ugly cops. I was handcuffed, legcuffed, then beaten. While two officers watched, the third cop pounded my face into the dirt road, my head yanked back several times by my hair, making popping sounds in my neck. The officer then stomped on my back, kicked my ribs, and yelled; "Why did you run!?" I said nothing. I thought these corrupt brutes were going to kill me, and falsify their report. I felt like Rodney King.I was lifted onto the tailgate of the Blazer, and another cop searched me. What he found was another costly mistake of mine. I had a loaded 15 round magazine with Black Talon hollowpoint bullets. They immediately yelled; "Where’s the gun!!? "We know you have a gun!" I said; "It’s at my cabin." They searched the area, and I hoped they wouldn’t find it. They did. The ugliest goon grabbed me off the tailgate, dragged me to the rear tire of the Blazer, where my gun had been placed. As he slammed my head against the tire, he yelled; "You lied to me! You fuck-ing lied to me!" Each time he pounded my head against the tire I saw a bright white flash. My face was pouring blood. As I started to slip into unconsciousness I thought; "All this for growing plants?" I was not killed, and that’s precisely what it would take to stop me from growing. I filed a complaint against this rogue cop. I took this case to the California State Supreme Court. Although I lost my appeal, and spent 8 months in county jail for cultivation, I continue to grow marijuana, knowing clear well it’s a truly therapeutic medicinal herb. Dr. GanjNote: Thanks Dr. Ganj for sharing your story with us! Peace, FoM!
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Comment #9 posted by Dr. Ganj on May 02, 1999 at 18:55:21 PT
Guilty When We See You
Cryote...You say it so well. Let's hope we are the last generation to be so thoroughly mistreated. Keep the dream alive.       Cheers,       Dr. Ganj
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Comment #8 posted by cryote on May 02, 1999 at 12:01:08 PT
empathy that numbs
 I could empathize with every aspect of that story from the circling planes to the brutal beating, fortunately I lost consciousness early into the beating, unfortunately that didn't stop the beating. Just change the words "Serve and Protect", to "Maim and Kill" so we know what to expect O.K.? and instead of "Innocent until PROVEN GUILTY", just tell us, "If we SEE YOU and/or SUSPECT YOU of anything we will probably stomp you senseless"! It's your goddamn show we all know that, JUST TELL US WHAT TO EXPECT! 
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Comment #7 posted by FoM on April 30, 1999 at 09:32:36 PT
Have a great day tomorrow!
Hello Dr. Ganj, If you would e-mail pics to Cannabis News that would work. Ron can send them to me and I can work on putting an album together. It is just an idea and it will take some thought but I think it would be cool! Have a great day tomorrow and send any info to Cannabis New's e-mail and I'll figure out how to do it, I think! LOL!Peace, FoM!PS: Hi UaN! Good to see you here posting again!Dr. Ganj's cool! 
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Comment #6 posted by Dr. Ganj on April 29, 1999 at 22:32:35 PT
Excessive use of force
UaN...Thanks for your post!Yes, it amazed me at the time too. I could not believe they were ramming me as hard as they were. I waved for them to stop, but they were too gung-ho in the pursuit.The real scary thing was, this happened so far from anyone, or anything, I thought they were going to kill me.It was the way they beat me while I was leg-cuffed, and hand-cuffed, and they walked a few feet away and were whispering.That's when I thought they were plotting my demise.As it turned out, they had with them a fish and game officer who opened the logging gate to gain access to this remote land. Because he was there, the beating stopped just short of total brutality, I believe. I will never really know, but I can give this advice: Like Obi-Wan-Kenobi in Star Wars said:"Trust your feelings, Luke" That is so true. I had a feeling that day something was wrong, but I continued to go further up the road. I am older and wiser, and I listen to my inner voice now.Jail was simply terrible, and hope someone can learn from me.It was very strange to be locked up for something I was proud of doing. It is that reason why marijuana growing will never be stopped. It is just such a beautiful thing to do. One day, all will know this truth.         Dr. Ganj
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Comment #5 posted by Dr. Ganj on April 29, 1999 at 22:01:33 PT
FoM...Here's the latest I could find, and I've included the link below.Also, I would like to clarify something about my story. This was before prop 215, so I could not use a medical necessity defense.I currently have a doctor's recommendation for chronic back pain, which I have due to a serious auto accident I had a few years ago.I urge anyone with an illness, disorder, or disease to get the protection prop 215 affords to the people of California. This is what was intended by the voters.If you live in a state with no medical marijuana exemption, I suggest you get involved, and try to change your current law. It has worked, it does work, and it will continue to work. According to a CNN poll, more than 70% of Americans favor legalizing marijuana for medical purposes.Get involved, and vote! Go to rallies, and seek out ways you can help a truly worthy cause.As to the march in San Francisco, I will be taking photos, and I have a scanner. I can upload them to a website I have, or I can e-mail them to you, FoM. Tell me what's preferable. Here's an excerpt from the MMM site:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Million Marijuana MarchMedical Marijuana • Industrial Hemp • Pot Smoker's Rights • Drug PeaceMay 1st 1999United Nations PlazaGather for Rally at High NoonPot Pride Parade at 4:20pm'Dance for Pot' Party on the Plaza until 7pm!Fun for all!Speakers and Entertainment:Chris Conrad, BACH • Dale Gieringer, California NORML • Tom Ammiano, SF City Supervisor • J. Tony Serra, well-known defense attorney • Mikki Norris, Human Rights and the Drug War Exhibit • Richard Evans, medical marijuana provider • David Ford, author of "Marijuana: Not Guilty As Charged" • Pete Brady, marijuana defendent and correspondent for High Times • Julia Carter, the Drug Peace Campaign and More...MCs: The Woodnymph and Fantuzzi>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          Hemp hemp hooray!!          Dr. Ganj
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Comment #4 posted by UaN on April 29, 1999 at 21:36:45 PT:
Damn Shame!!!!
Isn't it amazing that the law thinks that pot is dangerous, but they felt they had the right to try to kill you...I hate cops.....I would have loved to have smoked some of the bubblegum.....Your story was a good one. It amazes me everyday that they treat us like we are harden criminals and they turn real criminals loose just to jail us....They certainly abuse their authority....Luck to you in the future.....hell, luck to all of us!
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Comment #3 posted by FoM on April 29, 1999 at 14:10:32 PT
Dr. Ganj!
Dr. Ganj, Do you know of any change in the schedule for the Million Marijuana March in San Francisco? DdC was wondering and so was 4mmj and me too!Thanks in advance! If you take pictures I would love to try to make an album from pictures that people will take who come to That would be fun for me!Peace, FoM!
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Comment #2 posted by FoM on April 29, 1999 at 08:41:40 PT
Abuse by law enforcement authorities
4mymaryjane,It is the Federal Laws that are giving them the grief, I believe. Dr. Ganj is really cool! You must read what he posts! He has made me feel better many times. He has a web site that is just beginning. I bookmarked it and can't wait til it is up and running. Here's the link!, FoM!
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Comment #1 posted by 4mmj on April 29, 1999 at 08:30:01 PT
Abuse by law enforcement authorities
You know it would seem like to me that everybody has a concern about the harrassment these days. My concern is that Prop. 215 was passed California seems to have more than it's fair share of trouble. It is supposed to be medically legal and one would have to expect the law of supply and demand would be in place. I hope that California would lighten and wake up to the fact that the law was passed with the critically, chronically ill in mind!!
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