DEA Busts Pot Club Operation; Four Arrested

DEA Busts Pot Club Operation; Four Arrested
Posted by FoM on February 12, 2002 at 16:42:10 PT
By Margie Mason, Associated Press Writer
Source: Associated Press
Federal agents raided a medical marijuana club and arrested four people Tuesday amid an ongoing tug-of-war between local and federal officials over the sale of pot for medicinal purposes.Drug Enforcement Administration agents seized 630 pot plants from the Harm Reduction Center and arrested the group's executive director, Richard Watts, said David Witty, the marijuana club's chief of security.
Kenneth Hayes of Petaluma was arrested in Canada and Edward Rosenthal of Oakland on charges of cultivating more than 100 pot plants and maintaining a place to grow it, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office. Each face up to 40 years in prison if convicted.A fourth man, James Halloran, of Oakland was arrested in a separate case, and charged with growing more than 1,000 marijuana plants and also keeping a place to grow it. He faces life in prison if convicted.DEA spokesman Richard Meyer said the arrests were part of an investigation by the DEA, Customs Service and Internal Revenue Service targeting marijuana trafficking and smuggling."They all are connected with marijuana smuggling," Meyer said. "We've said all along the cultivation and distribution of marijuana is illegal regardless of state or local law. Our job is to enforce federal law." San Francisco law enforcement officials have said their job is to enforce the laws of California, where voters overwhelmingly approved medical marijuana use.District Attorney Terence Hallinan has been outspoken in his support of the clubs, and Police Chief Fred Lau has said his officers wouldn't take part in any raids.Workers at the pot club raided Tuesday said they were questioned by DEA agents about their relationship with Hallinan."They asked us if he was receiving monies from us or drugs," Witty said. "This is insane. What kind of city do you think we're operating here, to think that we're smugglers or involved in some other criminal activity?"The center serves about 200 patients a day, all with doctor's prescriptions to get the drug. Many suffer chronic pain from AIDS and cancer, Witty said.The raid coincided with President Bush's announcement Tuesday of a stepped-up war on drugs, with a goal of cutting drug abuse by 25 percent in five years, in part through improved law enforcement.The White House also launched an anti-drug advertising campaign, broadcast first during the Super Bowl, with the message that money used to buy drugs may benefit terrorists.Protests were planned Tuesday evening outside the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, where DEA Administrator Asa Hutchinson was to speak. Source: Associated PressAuthor: Margie Mason, Associated Press WriterPublished: Tuesday, February 12, 2002Copyright: 2002 Associated PressRelated Article & Web Site:Medical Marijuana Information Links, Oakland Cannibis Clubs Raided
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Comment #18 posted by kaptinemo on February 13, 2002 at 08:59:33 PT:
As kids, we've all played with rubber bands, pulling for as long as we can to see how much strain it takes until snapping.I believe it's a fair assumption that the Bush Sub One Administration is under the mistaken belief that it has a lot of slack left...on a DrugWar rubber band about to snap...and violently.This theory is based upon his earlier - and huge! - mistakes in trying to do a 'go-it-alone' foreign policy. One which has brought the US nothing but (in some cases, well-deserved) criticism. Based upon the misguided advice of such supposedly sharp people like Condoleeza Rice and others, he screwed up badly...because he thought nothing had changed since he stole the Presidency. Business as usual, and the naysayers are all wet. He could still stretch that Foreign Policy rubber band...not noticing how much it had frayed.Well, we saw what a rude awakening he got in his first televised news conference immediately after 9/11; I will never forget the 'deer-in-the-headlights' look on his face when he realized what a stew pot he'd landed in. Obviously, he thought he'd have a free ride; Daddy's hand-picked retreads from Korporate Amerika weren't supposed to let things like this happen...not to him!. Looks like a piece of that rubber band whipped back and caught him in the eye. He found that America does indeed need the goodwill of other nations.You'd think he'd learn from his mistakes, but nooooo...another rubber band, one that's been pulled for 30 years is about to snap. Without belaboring the obvious, SanFran has a large and politically powerful gay populace. One that has been on the sharp edge of 'malign neglect' (to paraphrase Ex-Sentor Moynihan's oft-misunderstood quote) from Republicans, before; Remember Randy Shilt's book And the Band Played On...? where the Reagan Administration was blamed for slow response to the AIDS epidemic because of it's pandering to the Moral Majoity types...for whom this was a (welcome, to them) judgement of God against gays?How many gays are without their desperately needed medicine, tonight? And how long before they get mad enough to do something about it? (Stretch...stretch...stretch)With the Super Bowl ads and now these raids, he has made a very, very grave error...he's shown the American public how stupid the DrugWar he favors is. He's pissed off groups that the Repubs have made into lifelong mortal enemies. In an important city within a State with enormous political and economic clout. He's pulling on a rubber band that other Prez's have stretched to the breaking point...and it may not be long in coming. Hang in there, people...
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Comment #17 posted by The GCW on February 13, 2002 at 05:05:51 PT
Good seed / bad seed
The 'spirit of justice' herself was literally draped shut two weeks ago by the Bush Administration. A large group of bush supporters are regular church going types... they are the flock of the bishops that have their heads caught in the sand. They have been duped by bad genealogy. A bad seed. Filthy lucre sullies service, to where service is no more.A relationship with the Holy Spirit of Truth as described in John 14-16, should be a goal of all Christians. It is attainable, where a cannabis free planet is not.
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Comment #16 posted by The GCW on February 13, 2002 at 04:53:20 PT
"...bishop to stand up and be heard, ...the catholic church is going to hide their perverbial heads in the sand."Hasn't the church of this generation, been part of the problem? Show me a church that does not point out what the 1st page has to do with cannabis prohibition and I'll show you a church that fits the description of the Apostasy. Sinning prohibitionist often under the guise of clergy and fundamentalist, scatter the flock, (including police BY OATH), in deceiving SOME, Christians, into believing it is ok to cage humans for accepting cannabis. Mans cannabis policies, discounting Christ God, creates a psychosis from The Holy Spirit of Truth (John 14-16), stumbling on the 1st page. Thank Christ God for cannabis. Accept cannabis (also known as kaneh bosm, before the King James Version), as described on the very 1st page (like Deja vu) of the Bible (Gen. 1:11-12 & 29-30). IF YOU DON’T GET THIS PART RIGHT, IT IS NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE TO GET THE, DO NOT KILL AND DON NOT STEAL AND DO NOT LIE PARTS, RITHT. When we understand this, The Apostasy in 2 Th. 2 and 1 Tim 4:1-5, indicates the extent of it.Christ God, gave us cannabis and put cannabinoid (THC) receptor sites in our brains since the beginning. Those who prohibit that connection, may well be the true Christ God.The Green Collar Worker from Stoner and Climax
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Comment #15 posted by Roger Christie on February 12, 2002 at 23:32:18 PT:
 * Smoke-rings of aloha *
Good evening friends,Aloha from this big, smoking volcano to all of you; to the arrested today, to the patients, to the families...deep breath...The 'spirit of justice' herself was literally draped shut two weeks ago by the Bush Administration. The message they gave is clear. Things have changed at the top. Among many other things...The White House is now closed to the public.A perpetual world war three was just declared by George W. Bush in his State of the Union speech.The Harm Reduction Center was closed today by federal agents ... denying 200-some legitimate patients of their life-saving, doctor-recommended medicine, and threatening their herbal caregivers with 40 years, to life in prison. I pray to personally see the blessing, the gift, in this latest horror-story of our culture, "on our watch" as they say in the military.  With all I have learned and witnessed as a cannabis enjoyer since 1968, I favor framing the use of herb as sacrament provided by 'God' and preserved by law."We use cannabis religiously" is a way to define the practice of our culture to law enforcement, and by extention, to the jury pool. I think it's the highest form of legal ground to stand on available to all cannabis people who are sincere about it. And it works! Let these be the last medical marijuana arrests in the nation! I suggest opening to the potential of being ordained as cannabis sacrament practitioners, caregivers and ministers. For free. Today. A good samaritan of cannabis...
Providing TLC + THC for harmony.All the best to you and yours,Roger ChristieThe Hawai'i Cannabis Ministry
"We use cannabis religiously." (temp. off-line)
(808) 961-0488See also to be ordained on-line N-O-W.

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Comment #14 posted by eco-man on February 12, 2002 at 22:01:16 PT
ongoing reports 
The New King George. RAIDS! California medical marijuana clubs. AAMC message. Please copy and distribute. from Director of American Alliance for Medical Cannabis (AAMC). 
DEA RAIDS! Medical marijuana clubs in California. From the forwarded email:
"Today, harm reduction centers and compassion clubs in the Bay Area were raided and shuttered while the Kings lackey Asa Hutchinson came to the City to lay down the law according to the new Washington." Also see San Francisco Indymedia for ongoing reports on the DEA raids: case anybody harbored any delusions of a kinder, gentler drug war under
George W. Bush. Republicans lead U.S. Drug War. Democrats follow. 
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Comment #13 posted by Jeaneous on February 12, 2002 at 20:55:36 PT:
Excellent Idea Rainbow!!
I am gonna do it... what a great idea.... Thanks...
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Comment #12 posted by Rainbow on February 12, 2002 at 20:47:06 PT
1 800
I believe there exists a hotline for calling in terrorist activities.You get a reward for identifying terrorists.I believe asscroft, hutch, and dubya all qualify as terrrorists along with dubya's dad.I believe the SOA classifies as a terrorist training ground.I am half tempted to call and report their terrorist activities.I have asked my so called bishop to stand up and be heard, but I think the catholic church is going to hide their perverbial heads in the sand.I am sickenned and can only say I told you so to the many people who voted for this government in power.Rainbow
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Comment #11 posted by Sam Adams on February 12, 2002 at 20:41:19 PT
you guys are right
This will get interesting. Unlike before, they have arrested people, and we know all these people will demand a trial.No doubt they will import another judge from the Confederacy to preside over this....can they import jurors as well? Because no California jury will ever convict these guys. Ed Rosenthal has testified as an expert witness in many trials and is no stranger to the courtroom. Let's hope something good will come out of this. I think they may have f*cked with the wrong city this time.
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Comment #10 posted by Jeaneous on February 12, 2002 at 20:37:42 PT:
Not Surprising
I don't put anything past this administration. They are dispicable. I wrote and told them so. Here's what I sent to all government officials. Wonder what kind of response I will get.... probably a Fed at my door.I am writing to you regarding today's Announcement of Bush's Drug Policy and how he spoke of compassion for ailing aids patients when at that very moment he was having medicinal marijuana patients and clubs arrested and closed.This is what this jerk of a president calls compassion?!!!!!I expect our representatives to protect us from the terrorism that this government is placing on it's citizens. None of you are standing up for our Freedom. All of you are following in blindly in fear just as this Administration wants it.I FEAR OUR ADMINISTRATION MORE THAN I FEAR THE ORIGINAL TERRORISTS!I do my civil duty to go and vote and to write and write and write expressing my opinions to my representatives and I get nothing back. NOTHING! I happen to live in California where this shameful work of the DEA is terrorizing citizens that are following our state law of Proposition 215, which allows medicinal use of marijuana if recommended by a physician. When will our votes of laws be honored?? Our government is becoming more and more a disgrace to be associated with. I am no republican and at this point I am no longer a democrat.... I guess it's time to be independent and make a stand as Jim Jeffers did when he saw the direction this Administration was taking.It's time for you to do you duty and listen to your constituents for that is your job. Not to make laws you think are best for us.Sick in my soul,Medicinal Marijuana Patient
Jean Cowsert
Galt, CA*The More Laws, The More Criminals* 
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Comment #9 posted by E_Johnson on February 12, 2002 at 20:34:04 PT
Another thing they're doing that works for us
A fourth man, James Halloran, of Oakland was arrested in a separate case, and charged with growing more than 1,000 marijuana plants and also keeping a place to grow it. He faces life in prison if convicted.How nice of the DEA to remind the mainstream media of the extreme penalties for growing marijuana.Many Americans are really under the impression that, as Bush's own "people" told Rolling Stone during the campaign when asked about whether Bush ever inhaled, "marijuana's no big deal."
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Comment #8 posted by FoM on February 12, 2002 at 19:53:48 PT
News Brief from KGTV
City To Issue Medical Marijuana ID Cards 
Cards To Protect Users From Arrest
Updated: 1:57 p.m. PST February 12, 2002
SAN DIEGO -- Under tentative action the San Diego City Council took Tuesday, the city will set up a program to issue identification cards to people who use medicinal marijuana -- so they can avoid arrest. 
Those with the ID cards will be allowed to possess up to an ounce of marijuana under the "Medicinal Cannabis Voluntary Verification Card Program" that the city's Medical Marijuana Task Force recommended. 
The city will hire another agency to verify a patient's eligibility. To prevent fraud, the card will include a photo and a 24-hour hot line number so police can make sure the card hasn't been stolen. 
Juliana Humphrey, who chairs the task force, said the ID cards will provide a "safe harbor" for patients, and ease the burden on law enforcement. 
The city council decided the cards would allow an ounce, and include a sentence saying it isn't meant to reduce what is allowed by Proposition 215. Police already evaluate larger amounts on a case-by-case basis, Humphrey said. 
Proposition 215, approved by voters in 1996, sanctions marijuana use by patients with a doctor's permission, but federal law grants no such exemptions. 
Some patients with cancer, AIDS and other diseases say smoking marijuana eases their suffering, eliminating the nausea that prevents them from eating properly. A second reading of the ordinance will be necessary before it goes into effect. Councilmen Brian Maienschein and Jim Madaffer voted against the card program. 
The program costs would be offset by charging the patients $25 for the cards. 
SOUND OFF: Should Marijuana Be Legal Medicine?
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Comment #7 posted by cltrldmg on February 12, 2002 at 19:31:22 PT
You're right, it could all be political manoevuring. The ads linking terrorism to drugs could be in case the democrats try to support reform they can use it against them.
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Comment #6 posted by The GCW on February 12, 2002 at 19:16:24 PT
There will be stories out in the news to again provide a platform for our opin. It is more to shed light on, so, as a move from the prohibitionist, it is bad timing, to do both. Thier move brings their demise. It seems the fulcrum point has been gained.We and they, can sence their desperation.
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Comment #5 posted by E_Johnson on February 12, 2002 at 19:04:38 PT
I guess they WANT a huge public show trial
I'm amazed at this, because this is going to keep the issue in the media, and the ludicrous timing of it all is going to further encourage the Democrats to do exactly what we've been praying for them to do -- use the Ashcroft administration's extremist and unreasonable attitudes towards medical marijuana as a campaign issue in the next election.
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Comment #4 posted by mayan on February 12, 2002 at 17:14:04 PT
The Feds want us to think that we need them to protect us...but who is going to protect us from them?
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Comment #3 posted by FoM on February 12, 2002 at 17:09:29 PT
That's who it is. You're right about raids and terrorist alerts. I think they are hiding behind getting people scared. I didn't even pay attention to the terrorist alert today. They want to keep us scared. You can control people that are scared.
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Comment #2 posted by mayan on February 12, 2002 at 17:02:03 PT
Terrorist Alert...
& is it just me or does it seem like there is a "terrorist alert" every time these clubs get raided?
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Comment #1 posted by mayan on February 12, 2002 at 16:58:54 PT
Don't Mess With Ed!
Is this the Ed Rosenthal from HT's "Ask Ed"? Now he writes for Cannabis Culture as far as I know. If it is, the Feds are making a mistake by messing with him. Everyone knows who Ed is & they will rally to his defense. Word of this will spread like wildfire despite the mainstream media's attempt to blackout this ongoing battle in California,Oregon & other mmj States. We must demand that the Feds respect State's rights! Where is Bush? I thought he promised to defend State's rights? Oh yeah...he is a two-faced,lying sack of sh*t! 
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