Marijuana as Medicine: Let's Make the Law Work!

Marijuana as Medicine: Let's Make the Law Work!
Posted by FoM on April 25, 1999 at 06:45:42 PT
Source: SF Gate
CALIFORNIA, THE FIRST state in the union to legalize medical marijuana 2 1/2 years ago, finally appears ready to find a way to properly implement the law, and it's high time. In November 1996, voters overwhelmingly approved Proposition 215, a landmark initiative that permitted patients to use, grow and possess pot if it is recommended by a doctor. 
It was a radical initiative, poorly drafted and loaded with ambiguities. The measure put the state in direct conflict with federal law and the Clinton administration's hard-nosed drug policy. While doctors can prescribe morphine, amphetamines, codeine and a pharmacopoeia of potentially dangerous drugs, federal law strictly outlaws marijuana under any circumstances. The drug war crackdown on marijuana has taken a heavy toll on pot heads and peddlers, filling jails and prisons across the country. Though penalties for pot offenses often seem draconian, we are not arguing for legalizing marijuana. Click the above link to read the complete article!
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