Cannabis Cancer Trial Failure

Cannabis Cancer Trial Failure
Posted by FoM on January 28, 2002 at 09:36:34 PT
Cannabis could be a source of treatment
Source: BBC News
A drug derived from cannabis is less effective than the standard treatment for improving appetite and increasing weight in patients with advanced cancer, scientists have found. A large scale study in the US and Canada, compared the two after suggestions drugs derived from cannabis could boost appetite. 
Researchers from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota and the North Central Cancer Treatment Group said their finding to the contrary should "dampen enthusiasm" for using cannabis medications in this way. More than half of patients with advanced cancer suffer a loss of weight and appetite. The study monitored 469 cancer patients aged 18 and over between December 1996 and December 1999. All had reported some loss of appetite or weight loss of at least five pounds during the preceding two months. Search for Answers   Doctors compared the effects of megestrol acetate, a standard drug for treating loss of appetite and weight in cancer patients, with dronabinol (Marinol), which is derived from marijuana. Some patients were given both drugs. Of those taking only the standard treatment, 75% said their appetite improved, compared to just 49% of patients taking dronabinol. And 11% of those on megestrol acetate, gained more than 10% of their baseline weight, compared with only 3% who were taking dronabinol. The study also found that there was no notable benefit when both drugs were given together. Dr Aminah Jatoi, who led the research, said: "These findings should dampen enthusiasm for using marijuana derivatives for this purpose. She added: "Nobody knows all of the factors that come into play as cancer patients lose weight. "This study was an attempt to help cancer patients by finding some answers about what works and what doesn't work for those struggling with eating. "To our knowledge, this is the first study to compare a standard drug to a drug derived from marijuana in an effort to help cancer patients with this problem." She said megestrol acetate was not the complete answer, and more work needed to be done to find better drugs. But she said it was more effective than the cannabis derivative. GW Pharmaceuticals is spearheading UK research into the medicinal benefits of cannabis, concentrating on its pain relieving effects, rather than appetite or weight gain. Mark Rogerson of GW Pharmaceuticals said: "As the US researchers have noted, there is anecdotal evidence linking the recreational use of cannabis to appetite stimulus. "We have found that patient response to cannabis medicine tends to be very dose-specific, and it may be that these results hold only for the doses tested.  "We note that appetite gain was observed in nearly 50% of cases, and would regard that as a welcome adjunct to the pain relief which we believe can be provided to cancer patients by a cannabis medicine." The results of the study are published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Source: BBC News (UK Web)Published: Monday, January 28, 2002Copyright: 2002 BBC Website: Contact: Articles & Web Sites:GW Pharmaceuticals Marijuana Information Links Drug is Disappointment in Study GW To License Block on Medicine Abuse Company To Test Cannabis for Cancer Pain 
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Comment #14 posted by freddybigbee on January 30, 2002 at 12:44:13 PT:
I suspect that what we will see, now that the feds are going to allow a few MJ studies in the US (how generous of our public servants...) is studies with ditchweed by pre-screened researchers with anti-MJ bias to "prove" that MJ doesn't work as well as synthetics on specific diseases. The new mantra will be, yes there are some minor benefits, but since synthetics work better, the law is just fine the way it is, what with MJ killing our children and all.Forget the fact that synthetics pickle your liver and kidneys, and the fact that MJ relieves multiple symptoms and has preventive benefits by relieving chronic muscle tension (stress) that causes illness. And please don't bring up the principles of liberty. Principles are so 19th century, you know. The feds can never admit the truth after having lied for so long. Imagine the liability if the millions whose lives have been cheapened or ruined could sue for compensation. Science and medicine will be their new excuse for denying access to MJ, since so many of their traditional lies have been debunked.
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Comment #13 posted by DdC on January 29, 2002 at 11:42:25 PT
The are "Arbitrary and Capricious"
"Arbitrary and capricious" is legal language that was used by DEA Administrative Law Judge Francis Young in 1988 to conclude that DEA was obligated under the Controlled Substances Act to reschedule marijuana as a prescription medicine. DEA Chief Administrator Robert Bonner proceeded to arbitrarily and capriciously disregard Judge Young's well researched and reasoned decision, which the Act allowed him to do.) and Parkinson, cannabinoids and the brain Toxic Alternative to Natural Fiber Shrinks Tumors: Government Knew in 74 Confirms Grounds To Remove Cannabis from Sch#1 Czar Manipulating Data in a Report to Congress  What the WHO doesn't want you to know about cannabis quayle lilly from Jack Herer Monkey Test
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Comment #12 posted by Jose Melendez on January 29, 2002 at 07:12:20 PT:
Barry McCaffrey, admit you were wrong.
Does this study on Dronabinol confirm what marijuana activists have been saying: that there are more than shreds of evidence that smoked marijuana has medical value?
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Comment #11 posted by Lehder on January 29, 2002 at 05:19:28 PT
1. The promotion of cancer deaths through marijuana prohibition is only one way that the government commits genocide against the American people. Here are some more:2. AIDS is promoted by government opposition to needle exchanges.3. Prisons and drug arrests promote Hepatitis, AIDS and TB - the crowded and unsanitary conditions in US big city jails are incubators for these infectious diseases. The perpetual jailing of drug users and then their release into society and then their jailing again have turned these previously rare ailments into epidemics.4.cigarettes! if the government were interested in getting people off the world's most addictive and deadly drug then it would use some of the huge monies from suits against the manufacturers to subsize nicotine patches and gum. But, no, the government wants its people dead, especially the low income people who smoke the most and pay the least in taxes - except for the $30 billion/ yr in cigarette taxes!5.prescription drugs! well, we all know how these kill about 100,000 Americans each year. marijuana works better than a lot of these drugs and never kills anyone. conclusion: again, the government wants your money and then it wants you dead.6.subsidizing dangerous prescription drugs for the elderly while prohibiting mj. yup, the government wants these people dead too. they do not contribute to the government coffers, they only collect social security. and what a nuisance that they vote!7. 43,000,000 Americans have no health care at all, no insurance, no doctor. yes, low income types again, the degenerate sorts who do not pay taxes for government weapons.8. besides treating cancer, marijuana prevents cancer. the disappearance from libraries of the medical journal articles 
which tell of cancer prevention with marijuana does not change the reality. Well, it goes on and on: contempt for international treaties on global warming and biological warfare, Bush promotion of air and water pollution, destruction of people's retirement benefits by companies like Enron....
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Comment #10 posted by Tigress58 on January 28, 2002 at 16:04:14 PT
The Art of War - Sun Tzu
To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands.But the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.If you know the enemy, and know yourself, you need not fear the outcome of a hundred battles.If you know yourself, but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer defeat.If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.The Art of War, Sun Tzu1. What is the nature of the substance or problem?
2. What is its origin?
3. What is its composition?
4. What is its function?
5. Who possesses, controls, or causes it?
6. What is my opinion of it?
7. What is my relationship to it?
8. What are my expectations of it?
9. What is its destiny?Whitley Strieber, Transformation 19891. Only tell enough to get the job done.
2. Never play by the enemy's rules.
3. Commandeer everything and/or anything necessary for your survival.
4. Never waste valuable time.
5. Take out all obstacles to reach the objective.Cloak & Dagger, (The movie) 1988Be on gaurd against science without humanity,
Politics without principle,
Knowledge without character,
Wealth without work,
Commerce without morality,
Pleasure without conscience,
And worship without sacrifice.Ganhdi
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Comment #9 posted by krutch on January 28, 2002 at 15:39:45 PT:
Dr. Russo Makes an Excelent Point
When he says:"Megestrol is a hormone and is no bargain in the side effect department."If I had to pick between THC at 49% effectivness and a hormone at 75% effectiveness, I think I would opt for the THC. I think the people who do these studies have a vested interest in seeing that an herbal remedy does not supplant a perscription drug. Profits would be losted if patients decide to go for cheap herbal remedies over expensive synthetic hormones.I don't know anyone who took marinol but I know a number of people who managed to control the nausea from chemotherapy with MJ. Imagine the profits the drug companies would lose if MJ was legal.
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Comment #8 posted by lookinside on January 28, 2002 at 14:44:17 PT:
sorta off subject, but not really...
I watched the movie "traffic" for the first time yesterday...I knew we had alot of opposition and have ranted often enough here and other places about it.Now I think it is worse. I think the illegal drug trade has tainted the banking system, many national governments(ours at the top of the list), many major corporations(money laundering),the medical profession, law enforcement, and the penal system to the point where only civil disobedience on a huge scale can overcome it.The (corrupt) FBI made Tom and Rollie examples. They won't be the last. We MUST work to make people aware of this. They've proven over and over that they will kill us to silence us. People are afraid to show support for those targeted like Tom and Rollie. A few brave souls showed up to protest. They might still be alive if a thousand had shown up and crossed the police barriers and camped on Rainbow Farm. It looks like some mainstream newspapers are starting to remember their roots and are recently reporting more about the stupidity of the WOsD...It's going to take alot to reach our goals.Dr. Russo: Keep up the good work!
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Comment #7 posted by DdC on January 28, 2002 at 14:33:24 PT
NIDA Lies.
I treat senior hospice patients with cannabis, good cannabis flowertops, not government schwagg leaves or hemp buds. If NIDA uses the same pot as they send out to the 7 remaining patients it is less than standard quality and therfore the results will naturally be less than standard quality. Duh!
I've said so many times it is the competition behind prohibition and the profits of maintaining the war and as more patients and family members using good cannabis are testifying of its benefits even the Enron Monsanto Lilly korpses clone politico's will come around or get run out of town on a rail! I personally can't wait to tar and feather a few wod junkies!The seniors under doctors management and check ups receiving the cannabis damn sure stimulate their appetites and thirst which is always a problem getting the elderly to drink enough liquids. Though the paranoia of the doctors is also there and getting the mainstream to jeopardize their 6 figure incomes prescribing it is still in the minority of AMA members, directly in opposition to the Hypocratic Oath but whats ethics got to do with it? It also eliminates nasal drip from Parkinsons and is an expectorant that helps clear the throats of nasty phlegm. It helps with the resting tremors as it also provides sound sleep and that also instantly eliminates chemically induced nightmares. Most elderly Parkinson patients are destined to remain on some form of levodopa medication, usually Sinamet and Permex, for life. Making it an addiction. With side effects requiring more of a fixed income to buy drug store over the counter meds that cannabis also does without the extra expense or more adultery to their bodies with chemicals. I've seen patients halucinate and have bloody horrible nightmares from certain Prostate medications and sleep aids usually have some bellidona or strictnine or halucinigens that herbal treatment like Saw Palmetto in conjunction with cannabis eliminates. The hempseed is nutritious and helps the immune system, the anti-biotic effects also can't hoit! The bottom line and reason for NIDA lies is greed and maintaining unawareness in the public with a corporate media. All based on the heathern symptom called "euphoria", thats the dreaded evil they spend all this money and lives on. It might make you happy. God forbid some suffering senior citizen should find that in their last days. How sick this war is and those who perpetuate it. Are Americans really worth saving, should be the next question. I'm having my doubts as to a race of people that can sit by and watch this and believe the same old lies over and over while their fellow Americans suffer and International corporate CEO's and stockholders profit. 
Peace not a doormat, Love not kissing ass and Liberty for all, not just those who can afford it.
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Comment #6 posted by Ethan Russo MD on January 28, 2002 at 13:46:27 PT:
Now I'm Mad
This continued cannabis controversy is a by-product of prohibition, and the fact that NIDA has spent millions of dollars the last generation in an attempt to prove that it is dangerous. Close reading of the results prove that it is not. Quite the contrary. Cannabis, were it marketed today, would prove to be one of the most useful, and safest medicines, as long as it is properly employed.
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Comment #5 posted by FoM on January 28, 2002 at 10:59:29 PT
Dr. Russo
First of all DARN IT! I'm getting so sick and tired of not being able to say what I want but I get scared. My husband is doing better and his weight loss isn't as extreme as it was. He is stablizing. He felt good enough to go to work today. He can eat better within a day or so after a bad vomiting episode. 
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Comment #4 posted by Ethan Russo MD on January 28, 2002 at 10:48:45 PT:
And Another Thing----
GW Pharmaceuticals will be studying pain control by cannabis extract in cancer patients. No doubt, the patients will be monitored with respect to weight gain or loss in the trial. My prediction: cancer patients will maintain weight far better than those not so treated.Of course, this is an anecdote, but I have a friend with pancreatic cancer, now 5 months out from diagnosis. Most patients are dead in this interval, and he has actually gained weight, due in no small part to cannabis. I have heard hundreds of similar stories. Truth will out given the chance.
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Comment #3 posted by FoM on January 28, 2002 at 10:16:22 PT
Yes sir re Dr. Russo!
Marinol sure isn't Cannabis! Big difference! 
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Comment #2 posted by Ethan Russo MD on January 28, 2002 at 10:13:44 PT:
Unscientific Logic
"Researchers from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota and the North Central Cancer Treatment Group said their finding to the contrary should "dampen enthusiasm" for using cannabis medications in this way."May I shout for a moment? MARINOL IS NOT CANNABIS! This should be quite apparent by now, except for those that wish to believe differently. The news is really that Marinol helped about half of these patients. The results of this study could easily have been predicted in advance, since the concept is not new at all. In previous state-sponsored studies of cannabis in chemotherapy patients, it was 100% effective in treating nausea and vomiting in some series. See Musty and Rossi article in Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics 1(1), available for download at: http://www.acmed.orgDonald Abram's study compared smoked cannabis to oral THC and placebo in AIDS patients. Cannabis produced the best weight gain. He is still trying to find a major journal with the cojones to publish the results.Megestrol is a hormone and is no bargain in the side effect department. 
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Comment #1 posted by Lucas on January 28, 2002 at 10:13:22 PT
Smoked better than Marinol
Oral VS. Inhaled Cannabinoids for Nausea/Vomiting from Cancer"Non-prior users were more likely to continue if on inhaled than oral. Patients receiving
severe chemotherapy were more likely to drop out, especially if on oral drug. efficacy of both forms appears comparable, although the inhaled form may be especially useful with vomiting unresponsive to other anti-emetic agents.Oral cannabinoid use resulted in more drop outs due to side effects or ineffectiveness."
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