Compassionate Liberalism on Pot

Compassionate Liberalism on Pot
Posted by FoM on November 07, 2001 at 20:40:12 PT
Examiner View
Source: San Francisco Examiner 
If the federal government descends upon every medical marijuana club and user in the state it will be enforcing the law. But it also will be violating the mandate we gave our leaders two months ago to crack down on the real dangers society now faces.  To conservatives who never liked the idea of medical pot, now is the perfect time to eliminate it. The nation, shaken by the threat of terrorism, is more behind President Bush than it ever was or likely will be.
Under the direction of Asa Hutchinson the DEA recently closed two clubs near Los Angeles and Sacramento.  San Francisco is drawing a line in the sand. District Attorney Terence Hallinan and Supervisor Mark Leno want to declare The City a "sanctuary" for the medicinal use of marijuana.  That will be a comfort to the more than 3,000 patients who rely on marijuana to treat glaucoma, AIDS and a host of other serious ailments.  Comfort, but not protection.  The Supreme Court last spring ruled that federal anti-drug laws make no exception for medical use. That gives the DEA a green light to shut down clubs and pursue patients.  But the ruling was vague enough to ensure that opponents will have plenty to fight about for years. Will the DEA call San Francisco's bluff, call in Special Ops to do reconnaissance on cannabis dispensaries, and seize the Department of Public Health's records of registered pot users?  If it tries, it will have ended an experiment California undertook in 1996 with the passage of Prop 215, the Compassionate Use Act. It also will show that the Bush administration is using the sympathy it gained after Sept. 11 to beat up on enemies who have nothing to do with terrorism.   White House: Private, Keep Out    Last Thursday President Bush signed an executive order reversing a longstanding ruling making presidential papers public 12 years after a president leaves office. The ex-president, the current president or even a living relative could prevent the opening of the files.  How convenient. In a Bush White House jam-packed with veterans of the Iran-Contra scandal during the Reagan administration, the president feels compelled to keep that episode under wraps.  Richard Nixon's dirty tricks led Congress to put his papers under seal because it feared he might get rid of them. In 1978 Congress passed the Presidential Papers Act to open the records to historians.  Bush's order could encourage more shenanigans by allowing staffers to be free from scrutiny. Congress should override the order.Source: San Francisco Examiner (CA)Published: November 7, 2001 Copyright: 2001 San Francisco Examiner Contact: letters Website: Related Articles & Web Site:Medicinal Cannabis Research Links Are Busting The Wrong `Drug Ring' for Medical Pot Sanctuary
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Comment #7 posted by Lehder on November 09, 2001 at 02:40:23 PT
Bush's speech last night: more brown shirts
Bush also created a task force on citizen preparedness, which will have 40 days to give him recommendations on helping Americans protect their homes, neighborhoods, schools and workplaces from future attacks. ``One way to defeat terrorism is to show the world the true values of America through the gathering momentum of millions of acts of responsibility and decency and service,'' he said. Bush asked states to help develop a modern civil defense service. The program would be modeled after volunteer firefighter programs, which provide trained, equipped firefighters. task force's recommendations and conclusions have been made for them in advance and in conformance to the bush ideology of total behavioral and thought control. The only question unanswered is what color will the new "civil defense service" uniforms be? With what will the new officials be "equipped"? And what will the new soldiers in against evil be doing in between a-bombs in Muskogee? The government is advancing those who are incompetent and ignorant and granting them brutal authority over all others. As always, they are told that they do God's work.Separately, wrt public opinion polls and the "true values of America", a recent Gallup poll showed that 28% of Americans favor bombing Afghan civilians. We're a hateful and ignorant culture that does not deserve its wealth. (We've discussed this poll before; don't click unless you have a whole minute to watch it load.) 
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Comment #6 posted by qqqq on November 08, 2001 at 07:21:54 PT
Theatre Of The ABSURD!!!!
..Take note of todays news.....Can anyone believe,,that they are actually trying to say that bin Laden,and Muslims are spreading propagana????This goes beyond "the pot calling the kettle black",,,nope,,in this case,,the pot has gone way beyond that,,the pot is making racial slurs at the kettle,,calling it a "nigger".
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Comment #5 posted by qqqq on November 08, 2001 at 07:09:59 PT
They are pretending that..
airport security is a big headline issue...what a bunch of crap.......I think John McCain is an asshole,,one of many..
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Comment #4 posted by dddd on November 08, 2001 at 07:03:20 PT
have you noticed..
..."polls",that have been given top billing in the news?...ABC/Newsweek polls says that 90% of Americans support the military action in Afghanistan....52% support the use of ground troops...what a pile of CRAP!!!!..THESE FALSE POLLS ARE RAW PROPAGANDA,AND ARE COMPLETE FABRICATIONS!.......I'd trust Bill Clinton taking my nubile teenage cousin on a camping trip,,more than I believe these "polls".....These phony polls,are propaganda of a very devious type....dddd
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Comment #3 posted by qqqq on November 08, 2001 at 03:48:23 PT
This "WAR".....
...can be compared to a world sized,no-knock SWAT team drug war raid,,but on a massive scale....SWAT teams have all manner of hi-tech guns,and assault gear,that is brand new,,and they just itch to use it,,so many times they will create occasions to go and use their gear...And like this new,fake "war",,the use of their military toys plays a pivotal role in justifying the massive shafting of tax money for the armys of law enforcement,,both domestic,and now's like the shrubs Evil Empire,has taken over our government! ,,no,,I take that back,,,they HAVE actually taken over the government!..I dont remember hearing any massive public outcry to declare some ridiculous "war on terror",,I dont remember hearing any public outcry to start the war on drugs either.The more ya look,,the more paralells you can see between the WoDs,,and the's almost like the war on drugs,was a national model,for the international "war on terror".....This war is even more of a sham than the war on drugs....It is a "war",that has not been declared in any coherent terms,or defined "enemy"........   We are witnessing the end of our democracy,,or what was left of it.
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Comment #2 posted by dddd on November 08, 2001 at 03:22:22 PT
I Dont Buy It!
..about how popular bush suppoesdly is!....I believe it about as much as I believe the shrub himself.....The Sheeple have been bombarded with report of "90% approval ratings",,or,"polls show that the public is behind bush",......BUT!...I think this is raw fiction from an owned media that is in a collusive network of political racateers,and the media now tows the party line,and has pledged alligiance to the shrub party line... ..The Evil Empire is way more real than anyone seems to imagine...I mean,,what happened?,,are we to believe that the SLAUGHTER and starvation of MILLIONS of innocent Afghani people,,has anything to do with "justice"????....
...Media war pitch week.....If you're interested,you will see that this week is rather special with the push for the Sheeples' support for this absolutely lunatic,insane "war"!.....Watch "Nightline",and "Meet the Press",,"This Week",,and of course,your local network news....This is a fascinating week for propaganda watching.....If you start to look for what's really going on in the manipulation of the media,it becomes immediatly astounding,and intrigueing!....its more fun than stamp collecting!,,and it's becoming wonderfully disgusting this week,,as we hear ridiculous ,and obvious false scripting of the "news",,,like reports that"bin Laden may be trying to get his handfs on nuclear,and bio-terrort weapons".........and tyhe raw fiasco,of last weeks West Coast bridge alert,that has now been termed,"mistaken",,and "not credible".........
Things are INSANE!.....we are going to stand by,,yes,you and me,,all us tax paying Sheeple,,and watch,as our military/corporate government bombs the f*cking shit out of Afghanistan,,,and is now gearing up to oversee the starvation of 7.5 million people,,,,a slaughter that goes far beyond Hiroshima,or Pol Pot,or the WTC........."Seven and a half million people at risk of dying in a matter of months. That's three times the number of people Pol Pot took years to kill. Thirty-five times the number that died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, combined. If 5,000 died on September 11, we're talking the equivalent number of deaths to ten World Trade Centers, every day, for 150 days. Slow, painful deaths."....I,,for one,am absolutey APALLED,shocked,,and outraged by this whole barbaric fiasco of our military bombing the shit out of Afghanistan.,,,and,,I cant believe the world is standing by,and witnessing the whole thing!.....The US government is committing World class crime ,,,,with unjustified,,unreasonable,,and criminal intent!...........The only way to explain the apparent lack of outrage from the world,is the media control,,,and I think it also indicates how far reaching the manipulation of the media is,when negative coverage,and dissenting voices,are so effectively filter,censored,,and prohibited from reaching the American public.....dddd
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Comment #1 posted by p4me on November 07, 2001 at 23:53:10 PT
Puppets popularity
I am tired of hearing how poplular Bush is? I think he is doing a lousy job and so do several of my friends. He got there because the Republicans selected him and gave him the biggest warchest in American Political history. Even I do not say anything against the war effort because all the people involved are doing there best and you cannot be critical of that. Of course America is blinded by the terrorism whereas I am not interested in every detail.The WOD however is a known failure to anyone that has studied it and there have been thirty years to study it. I have not forgotten the story of a 12 year old boy being killed in a drug raid that should have never happened or Rainbow Farms either. Or having a helicopter chase down tomatoe plants in Virginia. The new record of 734,498 marijuana arrest. The exclusion of anything to do with the world events relating to marijuana from the airwaves and print. And of course the $20 billion dollar DEA budget.So I do not believe the numbers anyway. I do not think you could get 90% of the people to say he is good at reading a telepromter. Everyone wants to perceive as being patriotic. That's all.
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