Guilty Plea to Pot Charge No Job Threat!

Guilty Plea to Pot Charge No Job Threat!
Posted by FoM on April 15, 1999 at 06:34:39 PT
Source: Edmonton Journal
Veteran Edmonton firefighter Dean Troyer no longer has to worry about losing his job after pleading guilty to marijuana possession and cultivation last week. 
The Edmonton Emergency Response Department has decided Troyer can keep fighting fires as he's done for the past 17 years. Reached at No. 19 Fire Station Wednesday, Troyer offered little comment, saying his lawyer and employer would prefer to see the incident die a quick death. "I'm going to have to stick with that," he said, then added: "I'm pleased, very pleased, how about that?" Troyer and his wife, Marie, both 41, were each charged with trafficking and cultivation of marijuana after a September 1998 RCMP raid of their basement pot-growing operation turned up 15 plants. The trafficking charge against Dean was later lowered to possession and charges against Marie were dropped. In court last week, defence lawyer Alex Pringle argued Troyer used the drug to relieve mental stress and physical pain. Provincial Court Judge Albert Chrumka gave him $2,500 in fines and six months' probation instead of jail time. He was convinced the drug was for personal, medicinal use. After the conviction, the department's head of human resources discussed Troyer's job future with the Edmonton Fire Fighters' Union. "In anything of this sort, it's always dealt with on a case-by-case basis," said public information officer Jean Kirkman. "It depends on the severity of the crime. Obviously if there's a jail sentence, they couldn't do their job. "The decision was that it doesn't effect his job." 
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Comment #2 posted by FoM on April 15, 1999 at 23:15:27 PT
Really Well Said!
Thank You so much for such a well put comment! We will win this war if we can show them we are serious, intelligent, and caring people! Peace, FoM!
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Comment #1 posted by John R. Bills on April 15, 1999 at 09:45:01 PT:
I praise Canada
Dear Sirs, I would like to praise you for the mercy you have shown this obviously productive firefighter. I would also like to praise Canada for their reform efforts on drug policy. Standing up to the pressure from the prohibitionist US government should be cheered and applauded. There just doesn't seem to be enough intelligence in America to realize that what we are doing is so wrong. CNN has pictures of Yugoslavia and Kosovo on day and night, what about the War on America? Using drug forfeiture laws, police agencies are becoming self-funding using drug busts of harmless marijuana smokers and home growers, and, in turn, being able to shut out any kind of regulation of their activities. Obviously, the people in America do not see the erosion of our constitutional rights and the making of a police state as a threat. They still cling to the concept of a drug-free world which will never be possible. I'm so glad that you are realizing that and changing your laws to reflect reality. 
Media Awareness Project
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