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  SL Man Wants Supervisors To Decriminalize MJ
Posted by CN Staff on January 28, 2006 at 10:09:07 PT
Source: Storm Lake Pilot Tribune 

cannabis Iowa -- A Storm Lake man Tuesday asked the Buena Vista County Board of Supervisors to consider decriminalizing marijuana and to start a "Safe Ride" program to keep drunk drivers off the road.

Paul Peterson, a former Chicago attorney and originally from Storm Lake, said that, at his behest, a number of Illinois communities had adopted a prosecutorial discretion policy which essentially decriminalized possessing small quantities of marijuana.

Despite the progress he said he made in getting 16 Illinois towns to decriminalize marijuana, Peterson said the governor of Illinois stopped his efforts to decriminalize marijuana throughout the state.

"Because I lobbied him, all the doors slammed shut," Peterson said. Peterson said he had planned to obtain one ton of marijuana to manufacture a pill for medicinal use. However, a pharmaceutical lab that made a competing drug stopped those plans, Peterson said.

Peterson extols the virtues of medicinal marijuana use. "I know that this helps with cancer and with Alzheimer's," Peterson said. Unfortunately, said Peterson, "I can't get doctors involved because it's too controversial."

It was his efforts to decriminalize marijuana in Illinois, he said, that caused him to lose his law license in that state. "I doubt I will get my law license back until I win this war," Peterson said.

Rather than encouraging marijuana use, decriminalizing efforts in Illinois have worked, said Peterson.

He said those possessing 10 grams or less get a $50 ticket. "There are no repeat offenders," Peterson said. "As a result, there are some 10,000 to 15,000 kids that are not put into jail."

By an act of decriminalizing marijuana, Buena Vista County could become a world class leader, Peterson said.

Peterson was accompanied to the meeting by an elderly relative. He said he had provided marijuana-laced tea to treat the effects of Alzheimer's and, as a result, it "lifted a fog".

"I gave her one cup of tea and the symptoms went away," Peterson said.

While he does not favor youth using alcohol or marijuana, Peterson said, "I'm looking at the other end of the life spectrum" by advocating marijuana for Alzheimer's patients.

"I am on a healing mission," Peterson said. "There are world-class changes we could make without putting people in jail. What I'm trying to do is help you people move this along."

Peterson asked the Board to make him a resource to study decriminalization. "Don't worry about the feds," Peterson said. "You leave them to me. Whatever else you do is better than merely incarcerating" marijuana users, Peterson said.

Peterson also pushed for a Safe Ride program in which youth who have been drinking could call for a ride home. Similar Safe Ride programs in Illinois, said Peterson, "are helping kids from driving on the highway."

Peterson has been critical of the firing of assistant county attorney Dave Patton over an alleged party with underage drinking held at his home. Peterson had suggested that Patton be brought back and asked to head a program on Safe Rides and youth alcohol abuse prevention.

Supervisor Jim Gustafson told Peterson that the county was already working with Seasons mental health to establish an alcohol and drug mental health court. "We are making progress toward getting people out of jail and into treatment," Gustafson said, noting that the plan was for a "carrot-and-stick" approach.

After the meeting, Board Chair Bill Lanphere said he was not aware that a local government could at its own discretion use a reduced charge for marijuana possession.

"I was not aware that you could - if it is possible," Lanphere said. "We'll certainly talk about it and see if there's some merit in it, some meat in it."

Note: Serving tea for Alzheimers victim.

Complete Title: SL Man Wants Supervisors To Decriminalize Marijuana

Source: Storm Lake Pilot Tribune (IA)
Published: January 28, 2006
Copyright: 2006 Storm Lake Pilot Tribune

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Comment #169 posted by whig on March 11, 2006 at 10:11:27 PT
Paul Peterson
Yeah, there was some discussion about RFRA/UDV before. :)

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #168 posted by paulpeterson on March 11, 2006 at 09:58:35 PT:

Religious Freedom Restoration Act Passes Supremes
Thanks for all the posts, guys. But hey, does anybody know that the RFRA has passed the US Supreme Court test?

That church in NM that uses an herb (with DMT) has won-8-1 I think. Somebody should check this one out. Bauer and Gurrerro (Cal & Guam cases) have already established that the RFRA gives Rastafarians certain rights. I haven't seen any posted articles on this yet. I will get my paperwork and check back in so this can get online. paul peterson

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Comment #167 posted by global_warming on January 31, 2006 at 14:31:59 PT
one more comment
It may seem ot, but is not all causes and ideas connected to the people?

The subject of the article is a bit misleading,

.."The government just failed to understand that they can't take liberties with freedom of expression...This has showed tonight that we will stand up for freedom of expression." The government has only suffered one defeat since 1997, Mr Blair was recorded as voting with the government line in this division."

Consider this as a first nail in the coffin of government sponsored prohibition, though it is on the other side of the pond, its funny how ripples in that water can move through much like a twinkle..

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Comment #166 posted by Hope on January 31, 2006 at 07:35:25 PT
It's been a party for Paul Peterson. I've enjoyed it, too.

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Comment #165 posted by FoM on January 31, 2006 at 07:33:07 PT
Dr Ganj
I don't know if it's a record but it's up there. I totally enjoyed this thread. You can't make a thread like this happen it just does.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #164 posted by Dr Ganj on January 30, 2006 at 21:57:42 PT
Is This A Record?
In all my years, I have never seen so many posts on one topic! Oh sure, they are mostly off topic, but I had to be part of the action! Who knows, maybe this will be the year. Keep cool everyone, and keep on voting, and making your voices be heard- and don't forget to send Steve Kubby a money order for $4.20 or $14.20 -I'm sure the fuzz over there in Auburn will just love that!

Got 'shrooms?

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #163 posted by global_warming on January 30, 2006 at 17:34:15 PT
i can only
speak for myself,

as a prisoner in this 'world,

my first breath,

bonded me, with 'life,

not with those that can harvest my soul,

there are everlasting places in darkness,

this is a universe of Light,

One blink,


'we can change this world,

a fist can be an open hand,

a 'greener world,

is forever better,

than some toxic radiation,

that open hand can accept,

the fruits of 'understanding

push the 'green button,

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #162 posted by FoM on January 30, 2006 at 17:19:57 PT
Now you lost me again. I believe we need to live our life to the fullest. I believe we should work hard to make our lives work. I also believe then when my time is up it will be just fine. I don't think of how good it could be on the other side because I find so much wonder and good right here and now.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #161 posted by global_warming on January 30, 2006 at 17:13:33 PT
die with one
clear thought

that eternity has given birth,

there is a forever and 'ever,

'we 'all 'must answer

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Comment #160 posted by FoM on January 30, 2006 at 17:07:49 PT
Do you mean are we ready to die? I sure am!

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Comment #159 posted by global_warming on January 30, 2006 at 17:04:39 PT
are you all ready
for that next page?

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #158 posted by global_warming on January 30, 2006 at 16:51:08 PT
change the world
that is was what

what fills my breast,

'we are walking into the most 'full world,

we all have two hands,

mercy witch comes with time and understanding,

may control, both hands,

yet is that sparkle,

that forgetful flash of 'mystery..

that calls you 'Home,


[ Post Comment ]

Comment #157 posted by FoM on January 30, 2006 at 16:35:33 PT
Thank you. We must always hold our heads high. Walk tall! Be proud and also humble and maybe we will change the world. I do a lot of dreaming.

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Comment #156 posted by global_warming on January 30, 2006 at 16:29:10 PT
your 'grace is uncommon,

and for the 'grace

of all these posters

'we can make that difference,

good people,

are trying to end this war on people.

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #155 posted by FoM on January 30, 2006 at 16:20:55 PT
Max Flowers
Glad you liked it. I believe that when we laugh it does us good and those that are around us too. I can be serious as all get out but I can stop, look, laugh and go right back to being serious. Happy people generally are healthier people. It's good medicine.

Global_warming I hope I helped you feel better.

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Comment #154 posted by global_warming on January 30, 2006 at 16:19:08 PT
you should know!
pay your 'taxes,

try to remember,

This Green Planet...


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Comment #153 posted by Max Flowers on January 30, 2006 at 16:10:56 PT
One Third Horse?
Ha ha FoM, that is really funny. Looks more like about a third of a horse to me though! But whatever, I like it!

Maybe his mother was fed GMO hay...?!

global_warming, I know times are rough but I second the notion, you need to give it a rest here and there and have a laugh. I should know---I have been driving myself crazy with worry lately.

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Comment #152 posted by global_warming on January 30, 2006 at 16:08:18 PT
thanks fom
that was the first piece of empty paper.

"life can change in a heartbeat,

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Comment #151 posted by FoM on January 30, 2006 at 15:58:02 PT
If I could figure out how to help you I would. Try not to be afraid. Fear can consume us. I figure that life can change in a heartbeat so find peace in the moment.

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Comment #150 posted by global_warming on January 30, 2006 at 15:50:01 PT
help me
i live on a street that has about 60 houses, i would place some marker, at the 'foot of that street, can somebody on that street, place an empty pieces of paper at that stone?

how many of 'us

live in fear?

Just one little empty sliver of paper

could fill 'my soul,

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Comment #149 posted by FoM on January 30, 2006 at 15:42:10 PT
I don't understand what you are talking about. I laugh every day. If I didn't I'd not be able to go on. Laughter is good medicine.

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Comment #148 posted by global_warming on January 30, 2006 at 15:35:14 PT
you can laugh out loud about selling horses,

can you laugh when it is your own hide,

on that bargaining block?

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Comment #147 posted by FoM on January 30, 2006 at 15:25:18 PT
Off Topic: Hope
I was checking my e-mail and my niece sent me this gif and I uploaded so you could see it. LOL!

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Comment #146 posted by global_warming on January 30, 2006 at 15:23:11 PT
the Path is lighted
By the blood of the 'Martyrs,

There is nothing secret in this universe.

Each step forward, can be placed into the footprint,

Of the many who have survived in this moment,

In this Time, those who carry the 'message,

Proudly Inhale, the breath in this underworld,

Upon our heads and our souls,

'We shall take into the grave,

Every harsh gesture, every hurting 'word,

While many ponder their captivity,

It was was always just a blink away.

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #145 posted by global_warming on January 30, 2006 at 14:51:01 PT
so what does that mean?
There is no political solution, To our troubled evolution?

Are 'we stuck in this secular void of late 'payments?

Is 'slavery something 'we should just simply lay down and accept?

Surely those that have caught that glimpse, at the foot of that long cross, must have a clue.

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Comment #144 posted by whig on January 30, 2006 at 14:13:00 PT
The Police - Spirits in the Material World
There is no political solution

To our troubled evolution

Have no faith in constitution

There is no bloody revolution

We are spirits in the material world

Are spirits in the material world

Are spirits in the material world

Are spirits in the material world

Our so-called leaders speak

With words they try to jail you

The subjugate the meek

But it’s the rhetoric of failure

We are spirits in the material world

Are spirits in the material world

Are spirits in the material world

Are spirits in the material world

Where does the answer lie?

Living from day to day

If it’s something we can’t buy

There must be another way

We are spirits in the material world

Are spirits in the material world

Are spirits in the material world

Are spirits in the material world

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Comment #143 posted by FoM on January 30, 2006 at 14:12:25 PT
Had Enough
It really is an exciting time to be alive.

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Comment #142 posted by Had Enough on January 30, 2006 at 14:09:37 PT
Young People Speaking Their Minds
But this time the youngins have people like Paul Peterson to back them. In our time we didn't have anyone but each other. All our big time heroes we liked so much, and thought would change the world, sold out.

Yep; times are a changin.

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Comment #141 posted by FoM on January 30, 2006 at 13:59:49 PT
Had Enough
Yes it is swinging our way. I see young people that have that same spirit now. When a group of people try to approach change in a nice non violent way they are vulnerable. Troublemakers that don't want to hear any of it will stir and stir. Maybe this time because of the Internet we will keep our eyes open and react when we see it coming again.

The times they really are a changin'

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Comment #140 posted by Had Enough on January 30, 2006 at 13:49:32 PT
I remember seeing on tv that Woodstock was a success because it showed what the government said wouldn't work did work. It was a city that worked. Is it possible that trouble makers got into the movement to stir it up to make it seem like it wouldn't work?

Yes it is possible troublemakers got in. Troublemakers have been here on this board too. As you well know. Hang in there. The pendulum is swinging; this crap is getting closer to its end every day. This battle has many fronts to it. More progress has been made in the past few years, than the previous 10.

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Comment #139 posted by Had Enough on January 30, 2006 at 13:32:51 PT
3 Doors Down
(lyrics by arnold) (music by roberts, arnold & harrell)

Living risky, never scared, wander

Closer to the edge

Nothing valued think no fear, always

Wondering why you’re here

All your purposes are gone, nothing’s

Right and nothing’s wrong

Nothing ventured, nothing gained

Feel no sorrow, feel no pain

Kiss me while I’m still alive

Kill me while I kiss the sky

Let me die on my own terms, let me

Live and let me learn

Now I’ll follow my own way, and i’ll

Live on to another damn day

Freedom carries sacrifice, remember when this was my life

Looking forward, not behind

Everybody’s got to cross that line

Free me now to give me a place,

Keep me caged and free the beast

Falling faster, time goes by, fear is

Not seen through these eyes

What there was will never be, now

I’m blind and cannot see

Kiss me while I’m still alive

Kill me while I kiss the sky

Let me die on my own terms, let me

Live and let me learn

Now I’ll follow my own way, and i’ll

Live on to another damn day

Freedom carries sacrifice, remember when this was my life

Kiss me while I’m still alive

Kill me while I kiss the sky

Let me die on my own terms, let me

Live and let me learn

Now I’ll follow my own way, and i’ll

Live on to another damn day

Freedom carries sacrifice, remember when this was my life

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Comment #138 posted by FoM on January 30, 2006 at 13:32:38 PT
Had Enough
Thank you. That was very kind of you to say. The chaotic times of the 60s and 70s were making sense. I remember seeing on tv that Woodstock was a success because it showed what the government said wouldn't work did work. It was a city that worked. Is it possible that trouble makers got into the movement to stir it up to make it seem like it wouldn't work? I only thought of that today.

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Comment #137 posted by Had Enough on January 30, 2006 at 13:16:03 PT
Here's Why
I don't know why I feel so strongly

Because that is your character, free spirit or whatever someone wants to call it. It is what makes you the one you are. Excellent character I might add. That’s kind of like the Yankee Spirit that Hope was telling us about in the past. Don’t ever change girl, learn and live. Follow your own way; you will be fine.

Free Spirits are dangerous only to those who fear a loss of power.

Her is a better link; the other one had chads in it.

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Comment #136 posted by FoM on January 30, 2006 at 12:55:51 PT
Had Enough
Very interesting lyrics. I don't know why I feel so strongly about who and why the freedom that was shown at Woodstock was so necessary to kill. Kill it before it grows. Free spirits are dangerous.

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Comment #135 posted by Had Enough on January 30, 2006 at 12:50:29 PT
Dancin? Fools
Yeah the 80’s came in with the Disco Duck running around flapping it’s wings and shoving a spoon under everyone’s nose. Money became it seemed, became a bigger hit than it already was. I remember Frank Zappa made an album that covered that issue. I went to that concert.

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Comment #134 posted by FoM on January 30, 2006 at 12:33:37 PT
Had Enough
I'm glad I made sense. I really look at issues in a way that isn't political. I look very broadly at civilization knowing that there is nothing new under the sun. History repeats itself over and over. Something went wrong in the 80s or when cocaine and disco music started. I noticed a big change. When sex entered into the picture and the music and then cocaine it changed the whole focus. I have nothing against sex but it took away from what the message was before cocaine and sex entered the picture. That was the beginning of the money is god type way of looking at things. Some political groups don't talk about spiritual things or don't seem to care about inspiring music. It has baffled me all along.

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Comment #133 posted by Had Enough on January 30, 2006 at 12:23:08 PT
# 129
One thing that comes up in every oppressive time in history that I have noticed is that music, books and spiritual issues are stifled. How can people be controlled if they listen, learn, think and enjoy?

The leaders through out history have stifled this activity; powers that be fear the loss of control over people, so they use a type of mind control for the masses. Remember in the 60’s when the self-righteous, were smashing Rock N Roll records on TV, saying it was noise from the Devil? Remember the controversy over Rowan & Martins Laugh In? When people feel oppressed, they express it in these ways. The more oppressed they feel, the more it reflects in the arts, religions, etc... The more it is reflected, the more the powers that be try to fight it. It’s all the same, just a new date. Good thing you notice stuff like that.

Don’t forget to Register & Vote!!! Let’s Roll; take a friend with you. Stop at the Chicken Doodle on the way home for some Freedom Fries.

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Comment #132 posted by FoM on January 30, 2006 at 10:13:41 PT
Max Flowers
I just got an e-mail and Steve is having a bad time of it.

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Comment #131 posted by FoM on January 30, 2006 at 10:02:33 PT
Max Flowers
I haven't gotten any e-mail today. I don't know why though.

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Comment #130 posted by Max Flowers on January 30, 2006 at 09:58:40 PT
Steve Kubby
I'm so glad that something I did actually may have made a difference to Steve, and helped his situation. At the moment I made that call, I felt impotent, but I think maybe there was something in my voice, a kind of quiet righteous indignation, that got through to the cop.

It is still outrageous to me though that they would have a prisoner about whom they have foreknowledge he is a cancer patient, and not give him blankets to begin with.

Does anyone know any further news about him today?

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Comment #129 posted by FoM on January 30, 2006 at 09:57:03 PT
You're very welcome. As you know I am very quiet and don't go to other boards to comment or get into debates. I am not a debater and think about life in a way that just is hard to explain. I have been watching a lot of history shows from Bible stories to the middle ages to China, the Holocaust and everything in between. One thing that comes up in every oppressive time in history that I have noticed is that music, books and spiritual issues are stifled. How can people be controlled if they listen, learn, think and enjoy?

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Comment #128 posted by Hope on January 30, 2006 at 09:48:17 PT
"I know exactly what you mean."

You have no idea how much that phrase means to me.

I think that, apparently, a lot of the time, that hardly anyone can understand what I try to say at all. I seem to get more blank looks and misundertandings than comprehension from most people most of the time...but it is such a delightful joy when I realize anyone hears me...understands me...that well...I'm just thrilled.

Thank you.

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Comment #127 posted by FoM on January 30, 2006 at 09:12:09 PT
We Are Free Spirits
That's why we are fought so.

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Comment #126 posted by FoM on January 30, 2006 at 09:09:51 PT
I know exactly what you mean.

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Comment #125 posted by Hope on January 30, 2006 at 08:53:56 PT
Many of us are carrying gems and pearls around with us. We wonder about them even after we find them. We study them and turn them in our hands and see how the light hits them. These pearls are our understandings.

When I ask you to look at one with me. To tell me what you think of it. "Do you think it's real?", I know I will be treated with respect...even when I'm being corrected in one way or another about something. No one will laugh at me or trample any pearl of the spirit I refer to on these pages.

In this place, this place of discussions and reasoning, much like the town gate or square used to be a place for people to gather and discuss government, people, ideas, and pearls, in this place, CNEWS, our spirits are friends. Spirits speak here. Us. All I can see of most of you is your spirit or what I percieve as your spirit.

We, as human spirits here, have shared many a pearl with one another. I have learned from others here. I've seen some beautiful "pearls" of wisdom and understanding here. We may all look closely at the "pearl" presented here and discuss it's worth and value and realness...but no one ever "tramples" them like "swine" or "dogs".

In my life I have known the Spirit that I percieve as my God, to occasionally withold an understanding only to have it revealed through another believer. I had asked for the understandings, and I patiently waited and watched for the answers and I knew it was the answer as soon as I heard it.

These discussions, even though they are so personal, are wonderful things to share with those who can appreciate them. They are intellectually as well as spiritually stimulating.

I love the people here that share their hearts. I sure would like to hear from EJ and MamaWillie. They've been quiet a bit too long. I'd like just a word to know you guys are ok.

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Comment #124 posted by Dankhank on January 30, 2006 at 08:34:10 PT
tried it with my granddaughters ...

had some funny spots ... too repetetive ...

in the mindset, alas ... not enough ...

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Comment #123 posted by whig on January 29, 2006 at 23:47:15 PT
My wife and I watched an excellent movie that I think relates pretty directly to what we're discussing here, but only if you're in the right (i.e., stoned) mindset to watch it.

It's called "Hoodwinked" and it's a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood from the perspective of multiple characters. It's also a parable for today.

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Comment #122 posted by whig on January 29, 2006 at 23:32:01 PT
I asked: "But have you been in the presence of the deceiver, and have you dealt with him?"

Museman replied: "I actually can answer that with absolute conviction. Yes. Because of that multi-leveled experiential understanding which was (and still is to some degree) a mighty internal struggle, and though my personal showdown at the crossroads has too many archtypical characters for some, my victory is my own, and within that victory is also rooted my faith, for without an intercession on the part of Sacred Spirit I would have surely fallen."

Isn't it obvious that many of us here are speaking from direct experience? I've never had a dialogue quite as detailed as this one over the actual experience itself, as individual as it may have been for each of us. I think we each wrestle with different archetypes going by different names, and many of us continue to wrestle with them for a long, long time.

I know a woman who has two that she speaks of, that she deals with regularly, and she has adopted them in a pagan framework which allows herself to stay on that threshhold of understanding. Indeed there are a lot of people, good people, I think, who are trying to find their way along the unmarked road, choosing transitional guides which help or hinder them along the way. All of these, of course, are God in some aspect, but all are illusions and deceptions of the transcendant God.

As for my showdown, I will confess myself to you, that you will know some of what I did, as much as I can say in a semi-public forum such as this. I dealt. I made an exchange. I forfeited. I was told I could have what I wanted, and I wanted free will for all mankind, and in exchange I could be destroyed. I said I would make no further deals, but I asked God nonetheless to help and guide those who asked for help and guidance.

And then, I was broken and destroyed.

I should not be alive, but here I am.

Museman: "You go into metaphoric description of 'eternity' and 'soul' as if a belief held in these ideas was indisputable. How I wish that there was no logical reasonable contest, however the belief in an afterlife and the unendable immortality of the human spirit has as much debate to the contrary as it has agreement."

That's the bet, though. Look at what the SADDUCEES preached, that there is no resurrection nor afterlife. This is a belief we cannot disprove, but it justifies all wrongs, because if all that exists is this life, and nothing after, then we can do anything and escape judgment. But it cannot be so once we have experienced God, for we then know how we are all connected to everything and everyone and throughout all of time, time itself is just a passing illusion.

"And the real deal is that the proof of your faith may not be the same as mine, but if we decree that your proof is the only qualified , then I must ask for a good reason why your word is substantial as proof, but mine is not, for word is the only proof available to us as 'us'. If your belief is your proof then let that be sufficient unto your own faith."

I think your faith and mine are the same, though we may have come to perceive it differently or describe it in other terms, neither of us speak from blindness. But I think it is helpful and good that we talk to one another about what we see and what we have experienced because we remind one another that we are not alone in our understanding, and you help me to understand my own thoughts better, as I hope my words help you, or at least bring you some reassurance that WE REALLY ARE here now. And I think the show has begun some time ago, the last trumpet has already blown.

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Comment #121 posted by museman on January 29, 2006 at 22:43:06 PT:

whig #117
"But have you been in the presence of the deceiver, and have you dealt with him?"

I actually can answer that with absolute conviction. Yes. Because of that multi-leveled experiential understanding which was (and still is to some degree) a mighty internal struggle, and though my personal showdown at the crossroads has too many archtypical characters for some, my victory is my own, and within that victory is also rooted my faith, for without an intercession on the part of Sacred Spirit I would have surely fallen.

Therefore I do not speak from interpretation, but direct experience. I realize that anyone can virtually claim anything in this medium, or any other for that matter, but when it comes to Spirit, all we have is our own connection, and the words of wise humans who came before which some refer to as "Scriptures."

I choose direct knowledge over second hand knowledge any time I can get it, and If I don't understand it, I don't act as if I do.

You go into metaphoric description of 'eternity' and 'soul' as if a belief held in these ideas was indisputable. How I wish that there was no logical reasonable contest, however the belief in an afterlife and the unendable immortality of the human spirit has as much debate to the contrary as it has agreement.

And the real deal is that the proof of your faith may not be the same as mine, but if we decree that your proof is the only qualified , then I must ask for a good reason why your word is substantial as proof, but mine is not, for word is the only proof available to us as 'us'. If your belief is your proof then let that be sufficient unto your own faith.

Absolutism is a very narrow road to travel, but if one can recognise the absolutes of God and express them in universal terms then we have what is the "Living Word."

thank you for the dialogue

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Comment #120 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 22:32:04 PT
"Some of us fail the test before we pass. "

I like the "grading on the curve" that is our option to take advantage of and that curve being all about thoroughly examining and partaking willingly of the plan of the man who was the plan...the plan to put an "end to all sacrifices".

It's a freedom thing. It's not about getting away with something and using something as a cover or excuse for wrongdoing...or "sin". It's a freedom and peace and joy thing.

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Comment #119 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 22:21:16 PT
my faith may be crazy
but there is nothing in my personal form of insanity...believing in something that is invisible to the naked human eye generally...that would involve bringing harm to anyone for any reason springing from beliefs...crazy or not.

Knowing that is another way that I know it's right...for me, anyway.

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Comment #118 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 22:15:17 PT
I think you have a good soul. I think you have a soul that knows what love is. I think you have a dang good grip on the mystery of the mysteries of God.

I also believe that Yeshua, the Christ of God that was promised, came to save all men, ESPECIALLY those who believe. Not EXCLUSIVELY...but "Especially". First Timothy 4: 9This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance 10(and for this we labor and strive), that we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, and especially of those who believe.

I'm going for broke and believing Yeshua was who he said he was. I believe he was the Creator, the Father, himself, come to walk among us in that dreaded "robe of flesh" himself. I believe it was a plan for humankind...his "children" that was about love and forgiveness and a better way. I believe he believed he got us into this mess, yet loves us and tried to showed us a better way through the man Jesus, aka Yeshua.

"What is man, that God is mindful of him?"

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Comment #117 posted by whig on January 29, 2006 at 21:53:28 PT
"Whig talks about the corruption as 'lower aspects of God.' I personally would not choose that benevolent a description for our current monkey king and his demon aids, for I have had my own personal experiences with beings of corrupted and negative spirit."

But have you been in the presence of the deceiver, and have you dealt with him? He is part of God, he can prove it with miracles, and he can feed your vanity to believe that he is speaking only to you, and none other. God does this to test us, I believe. Some of us fail the test before we pass. We are allowed to retake it as many times as we want, until we learn the lesson.

Can I even be sure I have learned the lesson fully? No, and I do not know if I will know if I ever will, because if I believed I had passed some sort of final test, then I would glorify myself for doing so, and by so doing I would FAIL again. Subtle, isn't it?

So I cannot condemn others for failing to understand, but when they HARM OUR CHILDREN, we cannot allow this to pass without crying out for an end to it. And I do not put a benevolent light on this, for there is no excuse that can be made, only REPENTANCE.

"It is my understanding that forgiveness is a gift reserved for those who can forgive, therefore it is theoreticly possible that GW could repent and change his hell-bent-path-to-destruction, but I know a demon when I see one and so far I don't think any of 'em have surrendered."

Consider two people, both of whom committed similar wrongs against another. One of them, realizing what he has done, repents and accepts responsibility, ceasing to do wrong. The other dies before he can repent his earlier act.

It seems to me there cannot be an end there, we must all have the opportunity to repent, to accept responsibility for what we have done. Even if he has not done so to this day, even if he does not do it tomorrow or in the next year, even if he dies in twenty years having never done so, will he be denied grace forever?

If you say yes, then it can only mean he is destroyed, for in the course of eternity he could still repent, but if he is destroyed then he cannot suffer for what he has done, and this is what he would most earnestly wish.

But if he is not destroyed, then how will he be made to suffer? I say, it is by experiencing what he has done, because when he becomes one with us, which he is, he will share our experience, he will know what he did to each of us, because he will feel that directly, and he will have shame. And he will have to go to each of us and make right, will he not, in order to cease torturing himself for the tortures he has inflicted?

And so, in the end, I think, and hope, all are saved, but not without repentence. Even Hitler.

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Comment #116 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 21:40:33 PT
You sure know how to make me laugh! Thanks!

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Comment #115 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 21:39:42 PT
"Poems, Prayers, and Promises...
And the things that we believe in."

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Comment #114 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 21:36:41 PT
You're welcome and thank you for the clip. I love that song.

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Comment #113 posted by BGreen on January 29, 2006 at 21:36:21 PT
FoM is quoting from the book of John again
John Denver that is. LOL

Far out!

The Reverend Bud Green

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Comment #112 posted by museman on January 29, 2006 at 21:30:21 PT:

hey everybody
"God is a concept, by which we measure our pain."

John Lennon

Now we could argue about what he meant by that, totally throw it out because it offends our own private preferences towards God, denies our definintions, or we could step aside and honestly see what was meant. We could defend it fervently because we KNOW it is an axiom if ever there was one, but... that definition at the moment in time that it was recorded into a song, passed into the knowledge base, was a different John Lennon then the one that wrote;

"I believe. What more can i say?"

Which one do you prefer?

Ecclesiastes was an old testament prophet who in his younger years wrote and expounded on the beauty of the Spirit, and the magic that awaited a humble and contrite heart. Yet in his later years he seemed bitter and ranted on and on about the vanity and futility of the works of men.

Two versions of the same truth and experience.

Whig talks about the corruption as 'lower aspects of God.' I personally would not choose that benevolent a description for our current monkey king and his demon aids, for I have had my own personal experiences with beings of corrupted and negative spirit.

It is my understanding that forgiveness is a gift reserved for those who can forgive, therefore it is theoreticly possible that GW could repent and change his hell-bent-path-to-destruction, but I know a demon when I see one and so far I don't think any of 'em have surrendered.

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Comment #111 posted by whig on January 29, 2006 at 21:18:49 PT
Beautiful, thank you!

Found a little sample....

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Comment #110 posted by museman on January 29, 2006 at 21:07:28 PT:

whig #97
"It is not as it is taught, those who preach in the temples and the churches are not themselves aware of the nature of what we are, for we are all one, none of us above another."

Very well said.

"We must live with what we do, and we should do what we will want to live with."

My Guru said "What you bind on earth, will likewise be bound in Heaven, and what you loose on earth will likewise be loosed in Heaven."

Sounds pretty similar to me.

"But those who quote scripture without understanding, those are the sadducees and pharisees, those are the ones most to be wary of, because they lead you falsely with intent, using the words against their meaning, to extinguish your light and feed their own appetite for money, power and authority."

And that my friend is the nature of the institution known as religion. Or 'Church.'

Power is a religion, and politics is it's church. Need I elaborate on who is it's god?

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Comment #109 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 21:07:14 PT
Another Way I Look at This
And I have to say it now

It’s been a good life all in all

It’s really fine

To have a chance to hang around

And lie there by the fire

And watch the evening tire

While all my friends and my old lady

Sit and pass the pipe around

And talk of poems and prayers and promises

And things that we believe in

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Comment #108 posted by whig on January 29, 2006 at 21:05:40 PT
I agree with what you say, but I cannot just mouth a platitude and leave it without comment. I have experienced God in several aspects, and the one most dangerous for me is the paternal figure which says words of love and tells me what I should do. This is a masque, it is a deception to me, because I have been misled in that way until I learned not to listen, but to act as I feel I should from my own senses and morals.

I strongly believe that the paternal aspect is one which is prevalent, there are millions of people who have experienced this, and who obey, and who do what their Father tells them to do, and they will even KILL for him if he says KILL. It is an aspect of God only because there is only one God, it is not the highest aspect, it is the lowest, and this is what the Visible Churches tell people they should OBEY.

I sincerely think this is the experience of George W. Bush, he is OBEYING in the sense that he does what he is TOLD by the aspect of himself which is God and the aspect of God which is the DECEIVER. He is doing his Father's work, and he is anti-Christ for doing it.

And still, I understand, I have walked that road a short distance, before I recognized it, and I cannot hate another for falling into an error I have myself fallen into. I can and do deplore the things he DOES in God's name, and I condemn this behavior, but I feel sorrow when I think what he will feel when he REALIZES what he's done, when he OWNS up to the magnitude of what he has committed, and when he has to face his responsibilities.

Only if he REFUSES to do this, only if he PERSISTS in knowingly doing wrong, when he is faced with it, then... I don't even know what happens to him. I don't know. There are some others, some who are knowing, and choose this path. I don't understand how they can do this. If they are aware, how can they not know how it will turn out for them?

Maybe they think it will turn out that they will mercifully pass and just not remember.

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Comment #107 posted by whig on January 29, 2006 at 20:44:20 PT
Thank you. It feels good to be honest and accepted at the same time. It is why I post here, this is the closest thing that I have to my own church, our church. Apart from being alone with my wife, this is my only other home.

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Comment #106 posted by whig on January 29, 2006 at 20:40:23 PT
How can we not love one another when we are one and together? Since I understand and believe this simple fact, for me to despise or injure another is to hate myself. If I hate myself, then I will do hateful things to myself, and so will I suffer.

But for those things which I have done wrong, and those errors I may make, I seek to remedy, to make right, because only by doing this can I respect myself, and only by respecting myself can I love myself, and only by loving myself may I love the world, and I do.

I will not use the word obedient, because it will be as misunderstood as to say I am a Christian, though by your definitions I may be both. But the words have become so twisted and deceiving of so many, I cannot express them unless to one who understands already.

Even in my own family, only my wife understands. My sisters, both of whom take cannabis, neither does, and there is nothing I can say to them about what I know except that I love them.

And in my city, there are only a few that I know of, the one who brought the Spirit to me, and others still through a glass darkly only, and infrequently. The clear, transparent light is concealed from view. I expect there are many of us even here, but we cannot find each other, hiding from the rest.

I have a fervent wish that when my wife and I move over the summer, we will find a place and a community where we can gather with others like ourselves to observe a weekly Sabbath with our sacred Eucharist. This will be a kind of salvation on Earth.

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Comment #105 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 20:32:49 PT
My Simple Thoughts
It is easy for me. Maybe it isn't right but for me it is. I try to live by certain principles as best as I can. Do unto others as you wish others would do unto you.

I think of the love of a child by a parent. The child might not be what you wish they would be and they might upset you but the big but is that no matter what you love them.

Why then do people fear God's wrath so much when we have such compassion for our children. Are we better then God?

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Comment #104 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 20:26:27 PT
I agree.

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Comment #103 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 20:25:12 PT
You sound to me like you have it down about as good as anyone can have it down.

Humility, honesty, intelligence and a mind questing for the truth are obvious in what you say.

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Comment #102 posted by The GCW on January 29, 2006 at 20:22:01 PT
Obedience is to love one another; no less, no more.

It is that simple and that hard.

John 14

John 15

John 16

1 John 1

1 John 2

1 John 3

1 John 4

1 John 5

When We obey, & LOVE ONE ANOTHER, We receive the "Spirit of Truth"

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Comment #101 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 20:14:30 PT
"appropriate scriptural source for what I say"
Maybe it's in Romans. "What then? Should we sin that Grace may abound?"

"I do that which I would not do and do not do that which I would do. Who will deliver me from the body of this death? Thank God for Jesus Christ."

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Comment #100 posted by whig on January 29, 2006 at 20:09:11 PT
I am not obedient, because if I obeyed the VOICE of God, I would be misled. I have walked that road. That VOICE is an aspect that may be called Satan.

I am not obedient, because if I obeyed the WORDS of Scripture, I would be confused, and I would mislead myself.

For the Letter kills, but the Spirit gives Life.

I find the Spirit within myself, and I speak and act from my Heart. If this is wrong, you may set me aright. I am listening.

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Comment #99 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 20:04:27 PT
Jerry Lee
Love him. Got to see him in person once or twice. He really did tear up pianos. He jumped on the keyboard with his butt, his feet, his knees, elbows, and his head, too probably.

Yes, anytime I see someone doing the self righteous doggin on someone...I suspect they are in for some trouble themselves. It's just the way it is.

You guys know I'm a believer...and as such, I've noticed over the years that he (the One God that I believe in)is apparently quite concerned about the personalities and integrity of some of the people who dare to believe in him. Some of you think I'm crazy or ignorant for being a believer. That's absolutely ok. It is an illogical, crazy seeming sort of situation by all non spiritual appearances. Just don't think that all of us who believe in the Yeshua is Christ business are the kind of merciless, thoughtless creatures that many who claim to be believers appear to be.

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Comment #98 posted by The GCW on January 29, 2006 at 19:58:54 PT
It is no longer engough to say You are a Christian.

If it is true, You must now say You are an


I Am.


Was Jesus a virgin?

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Comment #97 posted by whig on January 29, 2006 at 19:48:58 PT
One of the reasons I do not call myself Christian is that I don't want to give the misimpression that I share the beliefs of the Visible Church. I was raised Jewish, and to some extent I still hold to a Judaic belief system, but I do not follow those traditions either.

I was zetetic, I was searching, and when I found God it was not something I expected, nor was it as I expected. (And it was through cannabis that I did, and through which I always can.)

It is not as it is taught, those who preach in the temples and the churches are not themselves aware of the nature of what we are, for we are all one, none of us above another.

I was once offered salvation, and I declined it. This is something I find it hard to express, but I think it is a trick and a trap for the unwary, a puzzle that each of us must work out for ourselves. The guaranteed eternal sanctuary man is an aspect of temptation, it is a selfish wish, that I be spared from responsibility for what I do.

But at the same time, we who are in Christ are saved, in the sense that we are preserved, once we have come through our trials and our tribulations, and once we accept our actions and their consequences. It is not a get out of jail free. We must live with what we do, and we should do what we will want to live with.

I cannot immediately find an appropriate scriptural source for what I say here, though I would be surprised if one does not exist. I can only say that I speak from my heart and my own understanding, and if I speak wrongly it is something I misunderstand and not to deceive.

But those who quote scripture without understanding, those are the sadducees and pharisees, those are the ones most to be wary of, because they lead you falsely with intent, using the words against their meaning, to extinguish your light and feed their own appetite for money, power and authority.

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Comment #96 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 19:37:10 PT
Thanks for the link. When I saw him that one time I wasn't impressed. He was so full of anger and ranting about his cousin that was all it was about. It was but a short time later that he had that prostitute issue surface. At least Jerry Lee Lewis has lived his life honestly right out there for the world to see.

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Comment #95 posted by whig on January 29, 2006 at 19:25:30 PT

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Comment #94 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 19:03:08 PT
Oh ....Thank God
and everyone that called!

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Comment #93 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 19:01:30 PT
Max Flowers
A portion of an e-mail from Michele.

Steve wanted to express his gratitude for the calls. They are making a difference. One Sergeant, named Sanders has made sure that Steve is warm and has a blanket and pillow now, because of your concern.

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Comment #92 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 18:59:21 PT
He thinks getting his buns checked out is grounds for murder!

Swaggart is a Baptist at's telling even in that statement. And he's saying this offense to his personal image of himself, his sense of pride is more important than looking to his God...but he knows he's saved anyway. That's not very Pentacostal of him.

"The merciful will be shown mercy."

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Comment #91 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 18:37:25 PT
Did Jimmy Swaggart really say that? If so he is way off base.

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Comment #90 posted by whig on January 29, 2006 at 18:23:33 PT
Speaking of Jimmy Swaggart and phariseeical definitions of killing vs. murder, here's an interesting quote from him in September 2004:

"I'm trying to find the correct name for it … this utter absolute, asinine, idiotic stupidity of men marrying men. … I've never seen a man in my life I wanted to marry. And I'm gonna be blunt and plain; if one ever looks at me like that, I'm gonna kill him and tell God he died."

One of my oldest and best friends in the world, and one of the most genuine, loving and caring people I've ever met, propositioned me awhile back. Should I have struck him down for that? Should I even have ceased to be his friend?

The only reason someone is so filled with hatred against others is fear, and in Swaggart's case it is certain that he fears his own desire to have sex with men.


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Comment #89 posted by whig on January 29, 2006 at 18:14:26 PT
What is phariseeism, but to take words and strip them of their meaning, but twist them into mere textual ordinances to be observed by ritual, without heart or spirit.

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Comment #88 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 18:07:03 PT
Thanks, though, FoM. It does sound interesting.

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Comment #87 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 17:56:55 PT
It's called Trail Mix. It's about horses and celebrities and their relationship with them. It's very good. Sorry you can't get it now.

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Comment #86 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 17:50:44 PT
The TV isn't available to me at the moment.
What's happening? I can't figure it out from the website.

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Comment #85 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 17:44:45 PT
"More like judgement, condemnation, self-righteous vanity and arrogance, as well as false authority now wielded by our government which is supposed to be separate from religion."

I was thinking about some of those "harsh"..."tough love" "Christians" the other day. It's ironic that they have morphed into the Pharisees and Sadducees of our present day. They are just like the ones Jesus, aka Yeshua, had to deal with in that birth of a religion time.

Paul and Peter would have ripped their robes in disgust at the thought of these present day Pharisees of Christianity persecuting, judgmental, angry, hateful, greedy, perverted version of the Christianity they were crucified for.

Of course that's just my opinion, but I am not unversed in the New Testament...or the Old.

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Comment #84 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 17:38:12 PT
Off Topic: Hope
Check out animal planet if you can.

That's all.

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Comment #83 posted by The GCW on January 29, 2006 at 17:31:23 PT
I add to My comment in #78; about the Church.
#1 for Me is Christ God Our Father and His Spirit of Truth.

I don't want to do anything to separate Me from Him.

I stopped going... But I have been going to Bible study.

I learn a lot; it is awesome. It is also a time I can help My brothers know what I know. It is one of My chances to do the will of Our Heavenly Father, The Ecologician.

Example; there was that discussion about killing is not murder... and I will take Us back to that discussion....

Example; I mentioned hemp bread and got a few frowns from My bro's and at the same time, during breakfast they serve margerine (pure partially hydrogenated oil) and bread made with that crap etc.

I like to ride the mountain bike; sometimes for long hours and I have brought My children into the sport, even on an endurance level.

Partially hydgrogenated oils are bad for a few reasons. When You put the bad oils in Your body (the temple) You're not putting in the good... They are the ones that clog arteries. And for the endurance minded, when We go into endurance mode, we burn fat for fuel, but the last fats Your body will burn for fuel are those artery clogging hydrogenated oils. Bad Ju Ju.

Diet has helped My 11 year old son in His Mtn. bike efforts to be successful in racing.

This is relative because We are in a race to become Christ's and Christs.

I can convey to Him My 11 year old son and 9 year old daugher to train similar to get to Christ...

Hebrews 12:1, "...let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,"

The Green Collar Worker

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Comment #82 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 17:22:48 PT
Some people's doctrine seems to be
based on something like "despise the poor and lowly and downtrodden. Prey upon the weak. There's money in it."

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Comment #81 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 17:14:58 PT

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Comment #80 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 17:11:39 PT
The Church
I believe that there are very good people that go to church but they do something with their faith. I mean by that they are the people who volunteer in soup kitchens. They try to help street people. They care for the most desperate of humanity. That is all that a church should be in my opinion. A place to gather, share and go out and help people.

Like Bob Dylan said: You got to serve somebody.

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Comment #79 posted by museman on January 29, 2006 at 16:58:15 PT:

"The Church"
It 'turned me away' first, but like a fool I kept going back for many years. Finally a few years ago the fact that THERE IS NOTHING THERE was firmly and forever established in my awareness. Y'shua told us everything we need to know, and do. What is the point in continuing to preach something that never ever gets put into practice? (not counting those few individuals who are following Y'shua, but still haven't learned the futility of their religion.)

"tHE cHURCH" is as much a monster today as our government, because it gives lip-service to Y'shuan ideals, but very little actual application of Love, Forgiveness, Tolerance, and Mercy. More like judgement, condemnation, self-righteous vanity and arrogance, as well as false authority now wielded by our government which is supposed to be separate from religion.

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Comment #78 posted by The GCW on January 29, 2006 at 16:45:32 PT
FoM, #77,
FoM, - "I remember Robertson saying we will make laws and then it will be a sin so we will be able to clean up the country and make God happy."


Murder is evil, and there are people in the church that think they can rationalize it by labeling it killing; it says, do not murder; not do not kill...

They think that if they create a law that allows murder / killing then it is ok, because it is not illegal...

(A lawyer in last Saturday's Bible study indicated Hiroshima was ok with Him...)


Kill and murder.

As a carpenter; Your Carpenter, I can not support killing or murder of human flesh.

Note My tone! For it is similar to the tone of the Christ overturning those money turners tables in the temple. – see Mark 11:15.

Kill: to cause the death of; to put to death; to destroy life. – Webster’s

Murder: to kill (a person) unlawfully and with malice. To kill inhumanly or barbarously, as in warfare. Syn. – kill, slay, assassinate, destroy. – Webster’s

Manipulating murder by referring to it as killing sounds like lawyer talk.

People who support killing and call themself a Christian, is one example of why people hate Christians labeling them hypocritical. Get a “good” lawyer to make it legal and it aint murder.

Gen. 37:26 Judah said to his brother, “What profit is it for us to kill our brother and cover up his blood?…” Would the lawyer think it ok if there was profit? (it is labeled kill and if they did it, it would have been murder)

Gen. 9:6, “Who ever sheds man’s blood, By man his blood shall be shed,…”

Gen. 4:8, “… Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him.” (it is labeled kill[ed] and it is treated as murder…)

K L M; in between kill and murder (in the dictionary) is love (even alphabetically) and on the subject of LOVE ONE ANOTHER kill and murder is a miss.

(ALPHA; as in Revelation 22:13, From the Alpha; in Alpha-betically.)

Imagine a bulls-eye on a dart board and the bullseye is love. Miss the bulls-eye to the left or the right and You have kill and murder, but not the bulls-eye.

- see 1 Timothy 1:9, “realize(ing) the fact that law is not made for a righteous person, but for those who are lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners.” !!!!!!

The ungodly sinners make the law so they can sin and rationalize it; which does not rationalize it with Our Heavenly Father.

Matthew 5:19, “Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”

The Green Collar Worker

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Comment #77 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 15:49:21 PT
One more very important thing that turned me away from the church was when they got into politics and the republican party to boot. I remember Robertson saying we will make laws and then it will be a sin so we will be able to clean up the country and make God happy. That infuriated me.

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Comment #76 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 15:19:44 PT
I understand what you are saying. I know that NORML can't help everyone. It's impossible. They don't have big funds as far as I know. If they had big funds I'm sure they would do more but they still can't help everyone.

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Comment #75 posted by herbdoc215 on January 29, 2006 at 15:12:27 PT
Hope and Fom, you can believe that I'm asking
those same questions at the NORML conference this week, But I keep thinking of those men like Douglas Haitt and Jeffery Steinborn in Washington and Steve Schectman in Eureka and Larry Lichter in San Francisco who have all to the man given me and a bunch of other patients so generously of their time and money...Jeff even bought me a plane ticket without my asking and REFUSED money from me sooo there are many good and brave men fighting for us...they just are hard to find, and also many can't afford to save everybody...the problem I've seen is triage. Identifying emergency cases, seperating those who got caught in a bad law from people who do really stupid shit (living with R.C. I have seen e-mails from people to NORML that just made me blush in their stupidity, then problem of most users not giving a crap and hiding behind paranoia until it's their ass is busted then they expect NORML to wave magic wand over them and make it all go away?) There needs to be more awareness of these issues, more patients need to know where to turn to also in these times. I've been giving this alot of thought and will be discussing it in the furture with all who will listen. I have asked these same questions of many men and always felt like I was getting a flipent answer so I sure hope I don't sound that way myself. I just think it's funny that when help is need it is alwys the least funded organization of them all who does help (NORML) as there are sure others -I'll leave nameless- that love to take credit for what NORML does! Peace, Steve Tuck

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Comment #74 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 15:07:37 PT
I don't trust any of them either. I did see Jimmy Swaggart one time and he ranted on about his fallen cousin that was going to die soon from all of his sin. Well Jerry Lee Lewis's new album is coming out real soon. I guess he must have repented or something! When they took down Bakker I stopped going to Church. That was the main reason since I thought it was terrible to do to another person.

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Comment #73 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 14:57:49 PT
I always felt uneasy of them. I like Jimmy Swaggart and still think a lot of his teaching is spite of some of his stupid and definitely irreligious ways. I'm not talking about his sexual proclivities. I'm talking about how he jumped on jumping on the Bakers or one of the others that came down.

I don't really trust any of them. I am even repelled by people who resemble Pat Robertson in any way.

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Comment #72 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 14:53:02 PT
When I was active in church I really liked Jim and Tammy Bakker. They were out there enough for me. Her makeup was too much but her heart was good. Jim messed up and we lost a lot of money but we wouldn't sign on to the lawsuit. I knew he meant well and then we all know the rest of the story. Their one child is named Jay and he started a church because of the trauma that happened when his dad was sent away. He became heavily strung out on drugs and this church was born. Check it out.

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Comment #71 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 14:46:19 PT
"It's a sin and I mean that literally."
If anyone subscribes to the theories of "sin" and cannot see who is truly in the "wrong" as far as "sin" in this case, there judgement is somehow being severely warped. As Jesus might have said, "Which is worse...eating and smoking a plant...even if it's "illegal" or persecuting this case "someone" like Steve Kubby because he used what in truth, he has every right to use as a human being.

Sadly, his is not the only case where a person was treated outrageously because of their or a family member's or loved one's personal consumption of a plant. There have been so many horrible stories of people being persecuted unbelievably because of their Medical Marijuana activities.

I simply cannot understand the purportedly "Christian" mind that cannot see which activity is "worse" and which their gentle god might perceive to be the worst of the two activities.

I'm so sad when I think how afraid for their father those two girls must be and wondering how their minds are reasoning about what the authorities are doing to their dad.

"Where is judgment?", people? (I mean the personal type that we're supposed to use everyday as a part of making decisions.)

I'm appalled at fellow Christians. "Where is your judgment?"

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #70 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 14:25:07 PT
comment 68
I so agree, FoM.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #69 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 14:23:59 PT
"He seemed utterly devoid of humanity and said that Steve was "being treated like we treat all the other inmates here", and the ambiguity of that was very chilling, because he knew that that could mean either good or bad treatment." and "...the guy's vibe on the phone chilled me so much I was just almost speechless in the face of that kind of heartlessness and didn't even say the rest."

Your words made me immediately think of a comment Had Enough made earlier today on another thread.

"The mind can be a terrible thing. Look at how some people use theirs to cast a "state of mind" pall over others."

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #68 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 14:23:50 PT
About NORML I don't know but maybe Herbdoc215 might know if it is possible. He actually knows way more then any of us since they worked with him. It is pathetic that we have good people sitting in jails. My God the world is full of horrible violent people and they fill up the jails with non violent people who just happen to prefer marijuana to other legal intoxicating substances. It's a sin and I mean that literally.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #67 posted by ekim on January 29, 2006 at 14:10:59 PT
good thoughts everyone.

the truth has been scattered like seeds on the ground.

have faith that just one-- will take ground

to the black robes of justice in ol Placer Town.

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Comment #66 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 14:10:15 PT
NORML's help usually consists of ushering a person seeking help to the nearest criminal lawyer who will take the case and who is usually, from every case I've heard of, Ungodly expensive. Ten thousand just to look at your case.

They could do more than they do.

Where the heck are all those fancy lawyers up in Oregon who wrote that fairly recent treatise on legalization of drugs?

Isn't there a single one who will look into this without having to have money up front?...upfront or anywhere, for that matter? Yes it takes money. Do something for someone else just for the pleasure of doing the right thing. It can be rewarding.

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #65 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 14:09:59 PT
You have already made me proud. You're a good person.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #64 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 14:01:54 PT
First time I ever read a post that sent a shiver up my spine.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #63 posted by runruff on January 29, 2006 at 13:58:01 PT:

Thank you all.
Thank you museman for your kind and respectful presentaion of me to everyone here. I'm going to put up some pictures of me and my wife, letters people in my community have written to the judge in my behalf. A copy of my mmj card from 2004 and 2005-6. I want to personalize the person they try so hard to stereotype and demonize. I want to show that it is not us herb vendors who are the criminals here but thaose who would persecute and prosecute us in the name facist evil endevors. This is not an angry overstatment of what they are doing but a realistic and truthful presentation of nefarious behaviours practiced by an out of control government. Government for the people by the people is fine but consent of the people by deception does not count. It's like a teen telling the parents they are going to spend the night with a well known and trusted family then going elsewhere to a wild party their parents would never otherwise approve of.

I am touched by the out pouring of care and concern you all give me. I hope I will make all of you proud that you know me someday. I am alreadyproud that I know all of you.



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Comment #62 posted by Max Flowers on January 29, 2006 at 13:45:53 PT
I called the jail
I called the Placer County jail earlier and talked to some deputy. I said I was a friend of Steve Kubby's and was alarmed by internet reports that he isn't even being given blankets. Is that true, I asked him and reminded him that that's in the Sierra foothills in January. He seemed utterly devoid of humanity and said that Steve was "being treated like we treat all the other inmates here", and the ambiguity of that was very chilling, because he knew that that could mean either good or bad treatment.

He also said that if I were a friend of Steve's then Steve could call me, but that would be an easy lie as they can deprive him of phone calls if they want to. And does that mean that he can receive calls freely also? I doubt it.

Besides making me even more disgusted with authority, the only thing I can think my call may have accomplished was that perhaps the knowledge that every little thing they are doing in the jail with Steve is resulting in "internet reports" will become unnerving for them and will make them think twice.

Overall though, the call was a failure for me because I had wanted to really make a huge statement about how if they let him die, they are going to face a huge lawsuit and permanent reputation as the jail where they let people expire for the fun of it, but the guy's vibe on the phone chilled me so much I was just almost speechless in the face of that kind of heartlessness and didn't even say the rest.

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Comment #61 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 13:38:05 PT
You're honesty is so refreshing. We make decisions that we feel are best but sometimes they aren't and that is how we learn. That's all life is to me is one big learning experience. I don't know about Montel because of the reason that Steve was sentenced to house arrest. Montel doesn't want to vary at this point and I understand that. To go off track even a little for him might not help the way he is approaching medical marijuana. There again we all think differently but the end result if asked would be the same I believe.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #60 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 13:31:45 PT
Thank you. I don't think I would have a lot of trouble getting thru to NORML but I need to know more about his case. CNews is read all the time by people from NORML. I just got an e-mail from Nicholas yesterday. If nothing helps and he must go will he have access to a computer? Will he be seriously restricted since it's a Federal hospital?

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #59 posted by museman on January 29, 2006 at 13:24:56 PT:

FoM: runruff update
I talked to him on the phone yesterday, and the outlook is not good. He is a pretty selfless un-assuming man, and other than giving his thoughts and insights on the current state of affairs for our political system (for one example), he is not one to complain too much about his lot in life.

He is getting ready for the trip to the FED, and his Lady is very upset about it.

I believe he is scheduled to report on the 10th of Feb. Not much time to do a lot. If anybody has the ear of those NORML lawyers now would be a good time.

If and when he goes away, he has asked me to set up a webpage describing his case, his life, a few pictures, etc. We will be working on this this week.

I am sure he will reply himself when he reads your post, and this one.

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Comment #58 posted by herbdoc215 on January 29, 2006 at 13:15:17 PT
FoM, You maybe right about Governator?
Or maybe Montel? But somebody has to step in and quick or point is going to be moot. I am also proud of the US activist on this one we seem to have come together as one, makes me ashamed of myself for doubting in us and going to Canada when I should have stood my ground, but it can't be changed now and all I can do is learn from my mistakes... especially believing the Fiberals when they promised me refuge. I won't sit in silence while they kill my friends. This madness has to end. I'll never forget what you all did for me and I see now how much we all could really accomplish if we put our minds too it? Peace, Steve Tuck

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Comment #57 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 12:53:27 PT
The US government is corrupt beyond all hope. I agree with that but we aren't the government and we still can make a difference. Helping Steve while in Canada was really hard to figure out what to do and I told Michele that a little while back but I said we would be here for him when he came back to the states and we are.

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Comment #56 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 12:49:22 PT
We need an update this week early from Runruff so we know where his case stands and then we can do something I think. I am hoping that it gets worked out. I believe it could happen. He needs intervention by good lawyers like from NORML. We have seen too many good people suffer and it has to stop.

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Comment #55 posted by goneposthole on January 29, 2006 at 12:45:10 PT
They came for Steve Kubby
People speak up, but it doesn't seem to do any good.

That's because the US government is corrupt beyond all hope.

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Comment #54 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 12:39:08 PT
I've seen a few. I hope to see more. Miracles of Mercy. "Showers of Blessings". These things are things I hope for, for Runruff and all of us. I'm expecting them. I hope not to have to suffer disappointment in this matter.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #53 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 12:31:52 PT
I am in one of my very quiet moods where my righteous indignation surfaces. I'm glad the news is slow so I can think. I believe that miracles happen because I've experienced them more then once. Runruff would do good work for a community. I could see him helping seniors go to the hospital when needed or help them around their house. Service is such a needed thing and jail helps no one.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #52 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 12:15:28 PT
comment 50

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #51 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 12:13:47 PT
Thank you for that address.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #50 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 12:12:39 PT
Another Thing that Bothers Me
Runruff is close to Steve Kubbys age and has health problems too and I don't want him to go away for 2 years. I hope and pray for a miracle for him. Why wouldn't community service work?

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #49 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 12:12:27 PT
"He needs to make and sign an affidavit somehow, now while he's still alive, that that waiver was signed under duress and coersion." In a way, he just the email many of us recieved today.

The blanket? Well you know they "Have to keep up with their blankets. They're expensive and they keep count of them"...and they "Have to put in a special requisition" for them and "It takes time".

I pray that when he finally gets a blanket from them that it is clean and they don't give him one that is germ laden. I really wouldn't put it past some of them.

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Comment #48 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 12:05:32 PT
Thanks. Now what should we say that will benefit Steve? I will think about that a while.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #47 posted by siege on January 29, 2006 at 11:58:53 PT
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger State Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: 916-445-2841 Fax: 916-445-4633

To send an Electronic Mail please visit:

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #46 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 11:51:55 PT
One More Thing
Maybe NORML or DPA would set up someting for us to send a message to the Governor.

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Comment #45 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 11:49:47 PT
We are on the same wavelength.

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Comment #44 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 11:48:30 PT
What can we do? Living so far away from California many of us just can't do anything. I wonder if a letter writing campaign to the Governor would help? Steve ran for Governor in 98. Maybe he could relate to that. I don't know.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #43 posted by siege on January 29, 2006 at 11:44:15 PT
Steve Kubby
Can you Say (ARNOLD)

Governor Schwarzenegger, it is time to write this person to step into this bad service. and to save a good man Steve Kubby live. DO IT KNOW!!!!

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Comment #42 posted by herbdoc215 on January 29, 2006 at 11:31:20 PT
Fom, I'm sure she'll be there asap
which is Wed. I think but Placer jailers are playing games with only allowing Steve 2 visits per week so I heard so it's going to be rough getting schedules so they can see each more often. The temp game is an old jail favorite that they used on us in Canada and on me bigtime in Washington...especially with me in pain and withdrawl from opiates I shook like a congressman at a tent revival! I think I'm still cold every now and then from it! My experience, about half the people there wanted to kill me and other half wanted to bust me out so I pray it's the same for Steve as other jailers can help when nobody else is around and solitary is really dangerous for Steve as other prisoners went way out of their way to help me! If we don't force some resolution soon I'm afraid Steve will either suffer irreversable harm or death. There has to be something we can do? Peace, Steve Tuck

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #41 posted by Max Flowers on January 29, 2006 at 11:07:12 PT
Cruel and unusual punishment
- Steve asked our friend to relay that Placer deputies have forced/ intimidated him into signing a waiver which states that Steve absolves Placer County of any responsibility if he dies in their care, because he has refused to take conventional, alpha and beta blocker blood pressure medication. -

That was a huge mistake, he shouldn't have signed anything like that. That may cut his family out of being able to win a verdict in a civil wrongful death trial, unless it can be proved that they really coerced him into signing. He needs to make and sign an affidavit somehow, now while he's still alive, that that waiver was signed under duress and coersion. If jailers try to prevent him from making such an affidavit, it's more proof that they are trying to screw with his rights and maybe kill him.

Doesn't he have a lawyer there? What is going on?? How are they getting away with not even giving him a blanket? I'm really pissed.

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Comment #40 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 10:12:31 PT
A Question
When will Michele be down here to be near Steve? Will she be able to see him right away? I don't know how these things work. Can Steve have an outside Doctor check him or only Doctor's that work for the jail? I know so little in this area. Thanks.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #39 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 10:07:44 PT
Thank you. I read it in my e-mail today and I'm glad you posted it.

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Comment #38 posted by herbdoc215 on January 29, 2006 at 10:01:55 PT
UPDATE from Michele, NOT GOOD!
It seems that Placer has moved him from the infirmary to solitary confinement. He has a cell all to himself and he was freezing. Again they are ignoring his pleas for a blanket and have left him to shiver and chatter in a cold cell. Remember, this is in the foothills of the Western Sierra. It is very cold and the cold is a damp cold. I'm afraid he will be looking at getting pneumonia soon if he is not warmed up.

This is exactly the cruel and inhumane treatment I described to Canadian officials, that would happen if Steve were returned to the US. I also told them repeatedly that Steve would be immediately arrested upon his arrival at SFO, which is exactly what happened. Of course the Canadian government officials that judged our case responded to my pleas for protection from this grim future by turning a blind eye, ignoring evidence, and refusing to do the right thing when they could. They cannot see what they have done, for to do so would have to mean that they were wrong and have made a terrible life threatening mistake.

This, of course, is exactly the position that Placer is in. To admit that they are wrong about the life saving properties of cannabis is impossible. Better to test this theory out and see if it can really save a life.

Steve always liked to give us good news. So, the good news about today is that the Marinol is helping to control the rectal bleeding he was experiencing as well as the blood pressure. Of course Marinol does not contain the catacholimes present in the whole plant, and these have been shown by Dr. Guzman of Spain to have the properties of inhibiting a protein necessary for blood vessel development, which results in the cancer tissue being denied nutrients as well as teaching cancer cells to die.

With Marinol, Steve is only partly protected. Because Marinol uses only the THC active portion of the cannabis plant, his tumors are now free to grow again. This type of tumor is particularly apt to grow into the spinal cord, brain and organs.

Now, the bad news is that Placer has not taken his blood pressure since he arrived yesterday. Steve must be on a constant monitor in order to gauge the severity of his medical condition. At any time, his blood pressure can skyrocket. Being freezing cold stresses the body which releases more chemicals which worsens the danger.

This is a game of chicken and Steve doesn't have much of a chance. He has been stripped of all rights, including his right to the special diet he needs. Steve can have a blood pressure attack from eating a bar of chocolate or eating foods with MSG in them. In addition, most low quality meats, like those served in jails, are full of steroids, which are basically food for Steve's tumor to eat and then make even more adrenaline chemicals to rack his body. Unless he can eat his very limited diet of tofu, dill, garlic, and hemp oil salad, plus his oatmeal cookies, he is going stimulate the tumor even more to produce adrenaline chemicals.

A human's right to care for his or her body as he or she choses, should be recognized by governments. What we put into our bodies to heal us and keep us balanced or relieve our pain, is our right. Especially if that person is suffering from a serious and rare type of cancer.

This all brings me to the most disturbing news of the day: Steve asked our friend to relay that Placer deputies have forced/ intimidated him into signing a waiver which states that Steve absolves Placer County of any responsibility if he dies in their care, because he has refused to take conventional, alpha and beta blocker blood pressure medication.

The problem with this medication, is that it only protects Steve from a certain level of blood pressure attacks. If Steve's body decides to raise his blood pressure over the protection of the alpha and beta blockers, then it will be like Mt. Vesuvius erupting and unless he is in a hospital with access to an IV drip, he will not get the blood pressure medication he would need to control the life threatening blood pressures wreaking his body.

Placer County is playing with fire. I pray that they educate themselves on what happens when fire gets out of control.

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #37 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 09:59:20 PT
I introduced kapt to kapt but thru a screen door! LOL!

Kaptin is doing ok. He is losing his sight but he is slowing down accordingly. He isn't shocked as much anymore. I think that's why he bite me. He was having trouble seeing. I treat him like he can't see anymore and keep things out of his way that he could walk into and hurt himself.

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #36 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 09:56:04 PT
Sorry 'bout the spelling
My spelling and typing are really off today. Not getting enough practice lately. Might ought to spellcheck before I post. Quick proof reading doesn't seem to show the problem until after it's posted. :0(

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #35 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 09:52:56 PT
I have mental picutres of that visit, too.
Something like Kaptinemo staring through the screen door at Kaptinemo. Kaptinemos "keeping an eye on each other". Or would that be Kaptinemoes or Kaptinemi?

How is the canine Kap doing these days?

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Comment #34 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 09:43:27 PT
I really like kapt. We think as differently as night and day but he is fun to be around. I have mental pictures in my mind from when he visited us. We still laugh when we think about it.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #33 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 09:16:05 PT
Our "Kap"
No one can carve a turkey like that man. It is a joy to behold Kaptinemo handle that blade of truth and deftly cutting away the lies to reach the heart of the problem.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #32 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 08:41:33 PT
This link works.

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #31 posted by Toker00 on January 29, 2006 at 08:33:13 PT
This is very,very encouraging.
Please go here and watch as Kaptinemo slices and dices the Drug War, along with the video Sukoi posted, (LEAP promo.) Join in the debate and see the difference educating both sides makes towards the dismantling of the WAR ON DRUGS! History in the making, folks! FoM, can you shorten the link? I apologize, but this is so interesting. Please forgive me. postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0


[ Post Comment ]

Comment #30 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 07:25:25 PT
International News on Cannabis
Post-Cold War, Smoking Pot Commonplace Among Czechs

Marijuana now so popular authorities starting to worry

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #29 posted by siege on January 28, 2006 at 23:36:00 PT
colorado general assembly
Colorado House of Representatives

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Comment #28 posted by siege on January 28, 2006 at 23:20:42 PT
on it all 59 by day light.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #27 posted by OverwhelmSam on January 28, 2006 at 23:12:10 PT
siege - Don't Forget the Spank You Letters.
Don't forget to encourage everyone to send a Spank You letter to the representatives who voted against the amendment. The Spank You letters are just as important than the Thank You letters.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #26 posted by siege on January 28, 2006 at 22:22:23 PT
Please forward to friends and family in Colorado and around the country who would like to see our nation's marijuana laws change


Date: January 28, 2006

Action requested: Thank Colorado state representative for his efforts to protect recreational marijuana users!


Yesterday, the Colorado House of Representatives passed a measure designed to protect the citizens of Denver -- who passed a law making the possession of marijuana legal in the city -- from prosecution for marijuana possession under state law. This is the first time in U.S. history that a state legislative body has voted to remove state penalties for recreational marijuana use! Unfortunately, the victory was short-lived -- as the provision was later removed from the bill. (See the full story in the article pasted at the bottom of this alert.)

SAFER would like to thank Rep. Paul Weissman (D-Louisville) for proposing the original amendment, and we encourage you to thank him, too. Elected officials rarely stick their necks out to protect recreational marijuana users. When one person does, he (or she) should be rewarded. So, please, take one minute to thank him -- even if you don't live in his district. He should know how many people appreciate his courage and his support.

Here is the e-mail address he has posted on his Web site: . Just send him something quick. Put "Thank You" in the subject line and then write whatever you want. It could be a sentence, a paragraph, or a personal story. All that matters is that he sees the impact of his action.

SAFER is proud it has helped create an environment in Colorado in which elected officials feel empowered to propose and support amendments such as this one. Although the 59-6 vote for removal of the provision appears lopsided, it is far more important to focus on the six who voted to keep the provision in. For those unfamiliar with marijuana policy reform, it is extremely difficult to get *any* elected official to express support for reforming recreational marijuana laws publicly. We have now -- with Rep. Weissman's invaluable assistance -- broken the ice.

If you support the work SAFER is doing to change public perceptions about marijuana, please consider making a contribution to support our work. Every dollar we receive will go toward our aggressive and strategic public education efforts. And we simply will not stop until American citizens have the legal right to make the safer choice to use marijuana. To make a contribution, click on this link:

Thank you for your support.

Steve Fox Executive Director Safer Alternative for Enjoyable Recreation


Lawmakers pass, kill, pot measure

By Lynn Bartels, Rocky Mountain News January 27, 2006

Here's what happens when lawmakers don't pay attention: An amendment making it easier for Denver pot smokers to escape prosecution slips into a bill.

That's what happened Friday in the Colorado House.

Lawmakers later killed the amendment but the event did provide for some hilarity as well as pointed comments about what is perceived to be Denver's hypocrisy when its come to following state laws.

Denver voters last November invalidated a city law that made it illegal for adults to privately possess less than 1 ounce of marijuana. Denver police, calling the vote mostly symbolic, said they would still make arrests and charge offenders under state law.

Lawmakers on Friday were debating a bill about police officer certification when Rep. Paul Weissmann, D-Louisville, amended it to keep authorities in cities where drug exemptions have been passed from prosecuting under state law.

"If their citizens say its legal, then the state ought to back off," he said.

His amendment passed, in part, because the bill was so routine lawmakers were paying attention to other matters.

The House later voted 59-6 to remove the provision.

Rep. Debbie Stafford, R-Aurora, supported the amendment because she is frustrated that Denver went to court to overturn her 2004 measure outlawing cities from banning certain breeds of dogs. Denver resumed its pit bull ban after a judge upheld the city's home-rule authority to set its own animal-control policies.

She said Denver routinely snubs its nose at state measures by claiming it's a home-rule city.

"They want their cake and they want to eat it too," she said.

Rep. Richard Decker, R-Fountain, got a big laugh when he facetiously asked whether Coloradans would be able to toke up at restaurants, bars and casinos if the amendment passed and a separate smoking ban bill passed.

Copyright 2006, Rocky Mountain News. All Rights Reserved.

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #25 posted by Hope on January 28, 2006 at 21:49:18 PT
Paul Peterson!
Wonderful work, Paul. Way to go!

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #24 posted by whig on January 28, 2006 at 18:47:39 PT
Remember that Alabama is a compound of "Alba" meaning "a thick or mass vegetation," and "amo" meaning "to clear, to collect, to gather up."

Gather up ye bushels of useful hemp.

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Comment #23 posted by global_warming on January 28, 2006 at 17:18:35 PT
Never Been To Spain
But I Don't remember

Alabama i am seeing that Light,

Locked stepped at the foot of that cross,

At that table, 'let 'us,

Move, change, Love, enjoy

this is about Cannabis,

This is about 'FREEDOM

Twinkle, in that short blink of your mortal eye,

Catch a glimpse,

I sure could use a hug,

Instead of some prison sentence,

Huh, imagine, 'me , working for you,

Thank You Lord,

For thinking about 'me

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #22 posted by global_warming on January 28, 2006 at 16:57:33 PT
So my fellow Alabamians this election you have a real choice for change. Do not re-elect republicans and democrats. They are known quantities. They are yellow cowards who have repeatedly demonstrated their willingness to march in lock step with the feds in Washington DC without so much as a backward glance at those who they supposedly represent.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #21 posted by mayan on January 28, 2006 at 16:50:10 PT
Hooray, Paul!
You are a one man army! Thanks a ton for your amazing deeds! I do believe we are regaining the momentum that we had right before 9/11. That is what scares me. If we start a war with Iran and Syria our progress will be meaningless. We must stop the empire in it's tracks!


BYU professor's group accuses U.S. officials of lying about 9/11:,1249,635179751,00.html

Impending Nuclear 9/11?


Yet Another 9/11 LTE:

March For 9/11 Truth in NYC - Feb. 20th:

S.F. 9/11 Truth Events:

[ Post Comment ]

Comment #20 posted by global_warming on January 28, 2006 at 16:41:04 PT
our world
But times have changed and not for the better. Let me tell you a story about my brother and his experience being "corrected" in the Alabama DOC.

My brother Randy is a career alcoholic. He had his first drink of alcohol when he was 9 years old. Since then he has been known to drink mouthwash, after-shave and rubbing alcohol strained through loaf bread. It is the worst case of alcohol addiction I have ever seen.

He has been in and out of rehab clinics, AA, halfway houses, state run mental health programs, jail and in 1996 he entered the Alabama prison system for the first time.

His crime was alcohol related. All of his crimes are alcohol related.

Randy was allowed to enter the work release program at Kilby prison because his crime was non-violent and he was considered low risk.

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Comment #19 posted by global_warming on January 28, 2006 at 16:36:25 PT
The only thing I knew about "addiction", alcoholism in this case, was the talk I would occasionally hear around the Sunday dinner table about the town drunk who, about once a month, would get up in front of the entire church and confess to getting drunk the night before and being sorry for it now. The congregation would hug him when he was done and he was always accepted back into the fold.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #18 posted by global_warming on January 28, 2006 at 16:30:37 PT
from that speech
It's time to stop maximizing the harms associated with drug use, to stop compounding the misery and humiliation associated with drug addiction by imprisoning moms, dads and especially kids and further destroying the chances of keeping families together.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #17 posted by FoM on January 28, 2006 at 16:30:35 PT
It's ok. I just don't follow politics since many of us have different views. CNews is for us to learn about cannabis laws and where we are headed. I read other web sites. Not everything needs to be in one place. That's one of the great things about the Internet. There are many speciality blogs for many different reasons.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #16 posted by global_warming on January 28, 2006 at 16:25:59 PT
that you feel this way.

i am looking at that map, if Iowa is in the belly of that beast, surely Alabama is beneath the feet of that beast.

As long as we can say such things, 'we are doomed!

Ms. Loretta has posted her 'world view, and that 'world view is setting nicely in front of my eyes.

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Comment #15 posted by FoM on January 28, 2006 at 16:18:14 PT
I really think it's a political speech not about cannabis reform. I don't want to get involved in political articles since I feel one way and others feel another way.

[ Post Comment ]
Comment #14 posted by global_warming on January 28, 2006 at 16:12:59 PT
hey FOM
could you post Ms. Lorettas speech?

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Comment #13 posted by ekim on January 28, 2006 at 16:05:45 PT
thank you Paul
Paul Iowa does not have a LEAP Speaker--

Rev. Green here is a heads up on Jacks Mid America tour if you know of any events he could speak at please get a hold of him. at

06 Mid-America Tour 12:00 AM Jack Cole Kansas/Missouri USA

Executive Director Jack Cole visits the heartland on his 2006 “Mid-America Tour”. This year's tour will go from March 29th to April 10th and will include Kansas City, as well as Lawrence and Topeka, KS and surrounding towns. To request Mr. Cole to visit with your organization, send an email to

Mar 29 06 Blue Springs Rotary 12:00 PM Jack Cole Blue Springs Missouri USA

As he continues his Mid-America Tour, Executive Director Jack Cole meets for lunch with members of the Blue Springs Rotary Club. Mr. Cole and club members will discuss a host of drug prohibition issues that affect the mid-west, as well as the nation.

Mar 30 06 Leawood Rotary 07:15 AM Jack Cole Leawood Kansas USA Waking up early to meet with members of the Leawood Rotary Club, Executive Director Jack Cole and club members discuss America's failed war on drugs and LEAP's mission to end the same.

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Comment #12 posted by global_warming on January 28, 2006 at 15:40:54 PT
go ms Loretta
Or, if you are like me and prefer to live in a place where you can pee off the back porch without your neighbor spotting you then Alabama offers that in abundance. She is home to the greatest small towns in America.

She and Cindy, are my most beautiful women, my vote for these females is cast with awe and the deepest respect.

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Comment #11 posted by OverwhelmSam on January 28, 2006 at 15:30:26 PT
Slow Down Loretta Nall
If you haven't seen this campign speech yet, it's pretty good, take a look.

Looks like she's practicing for the big speech's later. Vote Nall, Ya'll!

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Comment #10 posted by BGreen on January 28, 2006 at 14:20:26 PT
Hey, wait a minute
If Iowa is the belly of the beast, that kind of makes Missouri the crotch of the beast. LOL

Just because it may be true doesn't mean it's a nice thing to say. LOL

The Reverend Bud Green

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Comment #9 posted by global_warming on January 28, 2006 at 14:13:34 PT
That is in the belly of the beast, and one of those red states..

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Comment #8 posted by BGreen on January 28, 2006 at 13:53:06 PT
Yes, That's OUR Paul Peterson!
says The Reverend Bud Green, grinning like a proud parent. :)

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Comment #7 posted by global_warming on January 28, 2006 at 13:42:25 PT
is that our
Paul Peterson, from here?

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Comment #6 posted by runruff on January 28, 2006 at 11:56:53 PT:

Bad laws.
Einstein said the best way to get rid of a bad law is to over enforce it. E=[hempseed]2

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Comment #5 posted by FoM on January 28, 2006 at 11:23:52 PT
Push Push Push
I agree that because of Bush we are making more progress. Gray areas can slide by many folks but this administration has made it a major black and white issue. I am easy going but when I feel I am pushed up against a wall I come out with more determination then I had before. I guess I am a pacifist fighter! LOL!

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Comment #4 posted by OverwhelmSam on January 28, 2006 at 10:48:44 PT
I doubt it will be that long before the final straw is place on the Camel's back.

Thanks to GW Bush pushing the issue, there's been more real reform of marijuana laws than under any other president since the war on marijuana started. You push hard, and peolpe push back harder. Way to go Bush! LOL

This all could be so easily fixed by simply adopting a policy of regulation for adult use. We should recommend an ammendment to the constitution to allow for voter initiatives at the Federal level. If our politicians are too cowardly to change the law, let the people decide.

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Comment #3 posted by FoM on January 28, 2006 at 10:42:17 PT
Tall Paul
Go Paul and thank you for all you are doing.

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Comment #2 posted by MikeC on January 28, 2006 at 10:36:23 PT
Go Paul!
I love it when I hear that a new state is making some noise.

Just how far off can all 50 be? 10-15 years?

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Comment #1 posted by OverwhelmSam on January 28, 2006 at 10:17:49 PT
Go Peterson, he's our man, If he can't do it, stoney can. LOL

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